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Two women in nurses' uniforms walked down a stark hallway, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the enclosed space. The elder of the two had frizzy graey hair, and walked as though she could navigate to their destination in her sleep. The second was considerably younger and followed several steps behind, looking around at everything with curiosity.

"These are the solitary rooms," the older woman said as they took a turn and entered a hall with sturdy metal doors on either wall. "The most dangerous patients live here, so we like to have the senior staff cover this ward, but we've been so understaffed lately that you'll be working two shifts a week here even though you're new."

"Oh, I-I see," the younger woman replied, a little taken aback. An awkward silence fell between them. Looking for something to talk about, she peaked through the small window into the nearest room where a ginger man sat on the padded floor, staring blankly at the wall across from him. "Who's he, he doesn't look like the others?" She asked, intrigued by his placid demeanor.

"Oh, that's Eamon O'Dargan," The elderly nurse sighed sadly after glancing through the window briefly. "Owned a law firm, family man, a nice guy by all accounts. One day he lost it and murdered two people. The jury deemed him criminally insane and sent him here as a homicidal psychosis patient."

"Oh my! th-that's awful," she took a step back and covered her mouth in shock. Unnerved that such a seemingly-calm man had killed two people.

The older lady nodded her head in agreement, gazing sadly at the man who remained in his own world, oblivious to his onlookers. "He spends most his days talking to himself and reliving delusions of the past, but on the rare occasions he is aware never tell him what happened to Y/N." She warned, her tone turning even more serious.

"Why not? Who's Y/N?" She asked, baffled by the odd restriction.

She bit her lip hesitantly, and took several moments before she answered. "We're not supposed to talk about it but... Y/N was a teenage girl he had an illicit relationship with," she said in a low voice just above a whisper. "Whenever he remembers what happened to her he tries to kill himself."

"What happened?" The new nurse asked before she could stop herself, hanging off every word she said. "Did-did she die?"

"She's alive and well, although traumatized I'm sure." The older nurse replied quickly, putting her mind at ease. "... She just had a baby so I've heard," she added, leaning in close to share the last juicy bit of gossip.

"His?" She asked in a soft voice, her hands clapped over her mouth and her eyes wide with shock.

"Yes..." She replied after a minute's hesitation in a barely perceivable tone.

"Shouldn't he know-" the younger nurse asked, looking back at the patient with a sudden twinge of guilt.

"NO!" The older woman snapped, her curly hair practically standing on end at the thought. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she elaborated. "No, it's better for everyone if he never learns that she is alive and raising his child."


That is the end of Folie à Deux.

Due to the highly sensitive content of this book, I will be unpublishing it in a week to prevent Wattpad from deleting it. Don't worry, once I have it backed up I will republish it.

Thank you for coming along on this adventure with me and staying until the end, and

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

Folie à Deux [Yandere Guardian x Abused Female Reader]Where stories live. Discover now