27. Resist the Magnetism.

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Over the next several days Eamon applied himself with zeal to the suggestions that Julien had given him. He would leave for work as early as he could without arousing suspension from Y/N, he would purposefully be less efficient throughout his workdays so that even though he stayed until closing he would have paperwork that he could bring home.

In this way, he hoped to squash any improper feelings he had for Y/N and protect her at the same time, if only it had worked.

Eamon was pulling on his coat as he walked towards the door for another day of hiding away from his problems at the office when he was nearly startled by the sound of a voice behind him.

"Hey, Eamon..." Y/N said quietly, standing a few paces away in the hallway, she had dashed down the stairs to catch him before he left.

"Oh!" He had nearly jumped out of his skin but quickly regained his composure once he realized it was only Y/N. "Yes Y/N, is something wrong?" He asked her, concern etching his face.

"N-No I-I," Y/N stammered, fidgeting with her hands nervously as she shifted her weight from foot to foot and looked at the floor. "I was just wondering if you had the time if we could maybe... Have breakfast together like we used to?" She looked up at him with a mixture of sadness and hope.

God, she's so cute! Eamon's heart hammered inside his chest and he struggled to swallow, all the restraint that he had been cultivating over the past week crumbled in an instant as he saw her upset face. How can I say not when she looks at me with those sad E/C eyes? It's impossible.

"Of course I have time for breakfast doll," he agreed against his will, smiling despite the fact he had hung up his coat and was walking towards the kitchen despite his instincts telling him to leave. It's only breakfast, it can't hurt too much, can it?

. . .

Y/N had been so dejected that Eamon had no longer been eating breakfast with her he couldn't in good conscience continue to skip breakfast seeing how much it had hurt her, after that he had begun eating breakfast with her every morning trying to take solace in the fact that it was only one meal and wouldn't greatly affect his undesirable feelings.

"Good morning Eamon!" Y/N greeted him brightly as she skipped down the stairs and joined him in the kitchen several days later.

"Good morning Y/N" He returned the greeting absent-mindedly. He nearly spat out his coffee once he caught sight of what she was wearing over the top of his newspaper. "Wait, what are you wearing?!" He spluttered.

"A new outfit that Annie got me..." Y/N said, blushing bright red as she slowly twirling around so that Eamon could get a good view of her outfit. She had on a white miniskirt with over-the-knee socks and a cropped fuzzy pink sweater top. "What do you think?" She asked, nervously clasping her hands in front of her.

"I think you can't go to school dressed like that," Eamon responded, quickly looking away to avoid getting aroused by the outfit which was very sexy in his opinion. He was going to have a serious talk with Annie about what was appropriate for Y/N to wear later.

"Do you not like it?" Y/N asked, hurt clouding her face as tears formed in her E/C eyes. "I look weird, don't I?"

If anything I like it too much, Eamon thought as he looked away, struggling against the arousal he was feeling from seeing her in such clothing. He reminded himself of her age to avoid getting carried away like he had before, It's that she's still a teenager that's the problem... And the fact that I shudder to think what those horny boys at school would do to such a pretty thing if she showed up like that. A spike of anger and jealousy pierced his heart at the thought of the dirty eyes of those schoolboys following Y/N as they thought all sorts of perverse things.

"Y/N, you look as beautiful as you always do," Eamon told her, his expression both serious and kind as he bent down and placed his hands on her shoulders, doing his best to ignore his inner turmoil and put her fist. "But something as revealing as that is not appropriate for school, alright?" He asked her gently.

"I understand," Y/N agreed, looking quite embarrassed she added "I-I didn't even bother to think about that thank you Eamon! Would you... Help me find something that is appropriate then?"

Eamon's whole body stiffened at her words and the dirty implications they could have, even though he knew she meant what she said innocently. Y/N, why are you making this so difficult for me? He thought, biting his lip to keep his mind from going any further into the gutter. I'm doing my best to avoid thinking of you in an improper way and if I say yes it will definitely be a step backward, but how can I say no when you ask so sweetly.

. . .

Eamon sat in his home office which was had become more and more of a safe haven over the past weeks. Even though nothing inappropriate in the slightest had happened when Eamon had helped Y/N find something better for school several days ago the memory of her in that revealing outfit had created even more fodder for Eamon's less than legal feelings towards her.

He sighed gripping the bridge of his nose. Alright, everything else has failed, I guess I'll have to try and think of things about Y/N that I don't like if I want to crush these feelings. He recalled Julien's last bit of advice, he only hoped that it would work.

Let's see... He rubbed his chin, struggling to think of anything that he didn't like about her. She's so soft-spoken it can be hard to hear her, and her frail nature is a source of extra worry for me, and-

"Eamon..." Before he could think of anything else he was distracted by his name being said softly as the door to his office was pushed open. Y/N stepped inside holding a game box in her hands, "I know you're busy but... would you play another game of monopoly with me?" She asked, holding out the box.

-And forget it! All of those things just make her even more adorable who am I kidding?! Eamon thought with a strange combination of defeatism and giddiness. "Of course I will." He agreed despite internally pleading with himself not to.


At least Eamon is trying, but his soft spot for Y/N is really tripping him up already isn't it?

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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