46. Never Apart.

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After their heart-to-heart in the bathroom, Eamon wrapped Y/N in a fluffy towel and carried her like a princess into the master bedroom. He laid her down and made sure that she was all wrapped up in the blankets before he took off his dress pants and undid the buttons of his blue button-up, then he crawled into bed with her. He wrapped his arm securely around her waist and pulled her close before drifting off to sleep.

When they woke up the following morning Y/N was surprised to discover just how literal Eamon was when he said that she would never be leaving his sight again. When she told him she was going to get dressed he walked with her into her room and hardly turned around while she hurried to throw on her clothes for the day.

Once she was dressed she walked with Eamon down into the kitchen, her face hot with embarrassment. This continued for the entirety of the day, after breakfast Eamon got ready for work and Y/N was surprised when he told her to bring her school work for the day and get in the car.

He opened the passenger door for her and once she was seated comfortably he closed the door and climbed into the driver's seat of the black Lincoln and started the vehicle. She fidgeted in her seat, not sure what to say to fill the silence in the car that was only broken by the radio, and after about half an hour he parked and took her hand in his as he walked down the city sidewalk. 

Turning a corner he led her through a doorway set between two large windows. Inside there was an open office room filled with natural light from the large windows in the front. Two large desks sat some distance away from each other and there was a floor-to-ceiling filing cabinet against one wall and a small kitchenette in the back hidden behind a half wall.

Y/N couldn't help but look around in silent curiosity as Eamon led her past the very cluttered desk covered in loose papers and José said good morning to both of them from where he sat behind it. He guided her to the much tidier desk, so much so that it was almost bare, and pulled another chair over so that she could sit at the edge of the surface and do her schoolwork while he worked. She thanked him quietly as she sat down, she liked being able to stay with him all day, but there were times when even she was a bit bothered by it.

Not only would he take her to work with him but he was also insisting that she slept in the master bedroom with him. He'd insist that she stayed with him at all times, even if she had to shower or use the bathroom he'd be in there with her although he at least had the decency to turn around.

She protested at first saying that she could take care of herself and that he didn't need to be there to watch over her all the time, but he was too paranoid to ever take her words to heart. He would always just say that he was doing it for her safety because he loved her and that he knew best how to keep her safe.

Even though it made her uncomfortable at first, over time she grew accustomed to never being apart from Eamon. He loves me, she thought as she took a shower while he was shaving over the bathroom sink one evening, he only wants to keep me safe.

She had lost count of the days that had passed that way and even though she had gotten used to Eamon's constant attention she was beginning to grow bored and restless of his hovering. It was nice to feel loved but it felt like he was smothering her to the point that she couldn't breathe. She just wanted some space away from him, but considering that he never left her side getting time to herself wouldn't exactly be easy.

After thinking about all that she was in a bad mood when she got into the car to go to work with Eamon, he had taken her with him so many times that he didn't even have to tell her to get in the car. She crossed her arms and stared out the window and watched the buildings flashing by. Partway through the drive, the overcast sky began to rain, the clear droplets running down the window reminding her of her melancholy mood.

She wrapped her arms around herself to ward off the wet and cold as she and Eamon rushed from the car into the warmth of their law firm. "What a miserable day huh?" José greeted them from behind his desk, running his fingers through his slick black hair. "Oh, hey Y/N, fill up the coffee pot would ya?" He asked her with a charming smile and she nodded her head before walking over to the kitchenette.

"You've been so helpful around here, I think we should start paying you as an intern," Eamon teased her with a smile as he ruffled her hair and gave her a playful wink.

"Thanks..." She whispered, fidgeting with the sleeves of her sweater. She loved him, but she needed a break from his constant praise and attention. She slinked over to her seat across from Eamon's desk and sat down with a sigh.

She opened her binder with her school work and took a pen from the penholder on Eamon's desk. Her hand brushed against a framed photo of Sean and she felt her heart ache as she looked at his smiling face. She no longer felt like doing school work and turned to watch the rain pour down the windows again. Not even five minutes went by before she felt her pocket buzz and she took her phone out and flipped it open. It buzzed again as she received another text.

Hey Y/N! It's Madeleine, we met at Baymore Estate a little over a month ago. My mom asked me 2 bring u the quiz that was left out of this week's school work so I took the opportunity 2 skip class ;)

Would u like 2 come 2 meet me at Cophee? It's a coffee shop across the street from Eamon's Law firm, but I'm not sure u know where that is :(

Walking over to the floor-to-ceiling window she pushed her face against the cool glass. Through the rain droplets pouring down the window she could see across the traffic on the city street to the warm glow of a coffee shop called Cophee and a familiar brunette sitting by the window on her phone.

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, this was it. She finally had a chance to get away from Eamon for a while. Looking over her shoulder she saw that he was busy pouring a coffee and that his back was to the door. She rushed to through the door and sent Madeline a text as she walked to the crosswalk.

Don't worry, I'll be right there.


Looks like Eamon's Yandere side is really becoming apparent and Y/N is already trying to "run away."

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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