31. Therapy Gone Wrong.

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It had been several days since Eamon had come home drunk and gone on his strange dream trip and things were still awkward between him and Y/N. Eamon's stomach would clench with guilt and remorse whenever he saw her, and Y/N's face would turn bright red.

He wanted to fix things between them, but he knew that he had to fix himself first. Knowing that he had to sort out his mental problems didn't stop him from buying Y/N gifts to try and mend the situation between them, he knew it was a cheap way to apologize but that had been the only thing that soothed his ex-wife and he was unsure what else to do.

They had hardly spoken since the morning after he had kissed her. He longed to talk to her, to apologize sincerely, but he couldn't risk it. After the dream he had about her he couldn't trust himself to be in her presence and not act on his desires, so he bit his nails and counted the hours until his appointment with Julien.

Unfortunately, Julien couldn't squeeze him in until Tuesday. When the day finally arrived Eamon took off from work early just so he could arrive at Julien's office half an hour early for his appointment. He sat in the pleasant waiting room bouncing his leg up and down and checking the clock every couple of seconds willing it to be time for his appointment until finally the door swung open and an older woman with a timid young boy stepped out.

Eamon felt a pang in his heart at the sight and his mind was suddenly flooded with sad nostalgia as he recalled that his son has been about the same age when he had started seeing Dr. Ross. He bit his lip as he felt the grief consuming him again, he had been so distracted by his troubling feelings for Y/N that his grief had been pushed to the edge of his mind temporarily.

"Eamon... Mr. O'Dargan, it's time for your session," Julien called, jolting him out of his reflections. Eamon jumped to his feet and followed his friend into his office. "Sit wherever you like," the blonde said as he closed the door behind them.

Eamon took a seat in one of the leather armchairs by the window. Once he was settled he stared up at his friend mutely, unsure how to voice what was on his mind.

Julien took the chair across from his friend and allowed them to sit in silence for several minutes before he finally spoke. "So... I generally don't like to pry or force my patients to open up, but you sounded quite upset when we spoke on the phone so I can't help but be concerned." His blue-green eyes showed concern as they scanned his face, trying to find out what was bothering him. "Is everything alright?"

"Yes-No... I don't know," Eamon faltered, embarrassed that he couldn't even answer such a simple question anymore. Taking a deep breath he began to open up. "I just had a really strange vivid dream, I know it sounds silly but I've never experienced anything like it before."

"It doesn't sound silly," He said in a consoling but firm way, he knew all too well how hard it could be for people to open up about their troubles so he was always as supportive and encouraging as he could be. "Can you tell me some of the details?" He asked gently.

"Well in the second half of it I was still with Ann, but we didn't have a son... It was strange..." Eamon spoke quietly, uncertain. It all sounded like such a feeble and foolish thing to get so worked up about but his words could do nothing to describe the true eerie nature of the dream.

Julien wrote a few quick notes down as quickly and discreetly as he could and muttered mostly to himself. "I see, it could be a manifestation of lingering guilt you feel about the loss of your son." Raising his head to make eye contact with Eamon he asked "Could you tell me what happened in the first part of the dream for more context?"

Eamon felt his heart skip a beat and his mind began to race. He couldn't just tell Julien that he dreamt about Y/N being his lover and pregnant with his child, and certainly not that he had liked it, that would definitely raise Julien's suspicion no matter what. "Well-" he stalled before he was thankfully interrupted.

"-Call for you Mr. Ross," Julien's receptionist said as she pushed the door to the office open. She was fidgeting as she knew that she shouldn't disturb Dr. Ross during a session. "It's your wife and she says it's urgent."

"Sorry for the interruption Eamon but I should really go see what's wrong," Julien apologized sheepishly as he stood and walked out of his office with the receptionist behind him. "I'll be back in a minute." The door closed behind them with a soft thud, leaving Eamon alone in the quiet office.

Eamon breathed a sigh of relief, That was close, I almost spilled about Y/N being my lover in that dream. Several minutes passed and just when Eamon was beginning to grow concerned for his friend the door clicked open and Julien walked in stiffly, his face as pale as death and his eyes wide and blank. "Julien-Julien what's wrong?!" Eamon asked at once, rushing over to his friend.

"Aubrey - it's Aubrey she..." His voice quavered as he stared off blankly at the wall behind the ginger. "She had a miscarriage..."

''My god, is she alright?!" Eamon asked before he could stop himself, worried for his friend and his wife. "I had no idea you two were expecting another child."

"I... I had no idea either..." Julien swayed on his feet slightly and seemed to be in a state of deep shock. Rousing himself as much as he could he grabbed his coat and keys as he walked towards the door in a daze. "I need to go, I need to be with Aubrey."


Well, that was certainly unexpected. Poor Julien and Aubrey.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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