50. Nightmare pt2.

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Eamon's body ached terribly, he felt like he had been trampled over by a herd of animals, and a headache pounded in his temples. He tried to open his eyes but the moment of light caused the pain in his head to increase so violently that he had no choice but to close them again.

Several moments later when he heard the sound of a door opening and shutting he muscled through the splitting headache to open his eyes and find the source. The light was so fluorescent that practically burned and he could only make out vague shapes in the room. After several blinks, his vision cleared, and his headache eased, enough for him to make out his surroundings.

He was laying in what appeared to be a hospital bed, he was wearing hospital robes as well. The room was barren and sterile, with only the bed and small table beside it to distract from the cold monotony of the white walls and tile floor. The most interesting part of the room by far was the man who had just stepped inside.

He was thin and balding, he wore a pair of round glasses, and the clothes of a doctor were draped over his rounded shoulders. He seemed to be holding something, but his hands were behind his back so he couldn't see what it was. "Hello Eamon, I'm glad to see that you're awake," the man said with a tight-lipped smile. "Do you remember why you're here?" He asked, waiting expectantly.

"No... I-I don't," Eamon stammered his heart pounding as he realized that he was buckled down to the bed he was laying in and couldn't move. He panicked and began thrashing, trying to remember how he ended up in that room while also trying to break free. "Why-why am I tied down?! Who are you?! Why am I here?!" He ranted, panting of breath as he continued to thrash against the restraints.

The doctor let out a small breath, his expression that of someone who has had the same conversation countless times. "You entered an amnesia-induced mania and got into a fight with security, the restraints are for everyone's safety." After taking a deep breath he spoke again, "Now, why don't you tell me the last thing you remember?" He requested, still holding his arms behind his back to conceal something.

"If I do will you tell me where the hell I am and how I got here?" Eamon asked angrily, too tired to continue struggling against his restraints. He was out of breath and confused, and if cooperating with the doctor would give him the answers he wanted he would do it. The balding man nodded in agreement and he began to dictate what he last remembered, "Well, I... I remember I was at home with Y/N- where is she?! Is she alright?!" He regressed into panic as he realized that Y/N was not with him, and every moment she was out of his sight something bad could happen to her.

"Interesting," was all the doctor said as he pushed his glasses up his nose. Despite what he said he didn't seem that interested in Eamon's frantic questions. "You don't remember what happened to Y/N do you?" He asked, his tone nearly sounding mocking.

"Something happened to her?!" His voice trembled as he spoke, his mouth going dry as his mind was suddenly flooded with all the worst possibilities. "Tell me! Tell me what happened please, is she alright?! Is she here?!" He begged, frantic to know what had happened to the girl he loved so much.

"Please calm down Eamon," he asked firmly as he looked him dead in the eyes. "It's blind panics like this that cause further regression to all of the progress we've been making - just take some deep breaths and try to relax, clear your mind and your memories of what happened will return." He instructed, his dry and monotone voice as comforting as it could be.

"Ok I-I I'll try" Eamon struggled to take even breaths and keep his mind from racing. "we-we were together in the house, but everything after that is blank. It's fractured, why-why can't I remember what happened?!" He snapped in anger and frustration as he still couldn't remember anything after being in the bathtub with Y/N.

"Calm down Eamon, take deep breaths, close your eyes and think about what actions and events led you to be here." He was instructed again, a touch of guilt in the doctor's voice.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his ragged breathing and calming the blind fear settled in his heart. Even after he gained some control over his thoughts he still couldn't remember, or more accurately he couldn't tell which distorted memory was the real one. Think think think! Depp breaths, deep breaths - why is everything so blurred and misshapen?

No- His eyes snapped open and moments later tears began running down the sides of his face, he remembered. "No, n-no no! No that can't be right! She can't be! She can't be!" He exclaimed, beginning to thrash around again as his mind's eye was assaulted by memories of that horrible day.

"Tell me! Tell me she's not gone!" He looked towards the doctor, begging for him to say that it was just an illusion. Just a nightmare. "Please, she can't be dead she can't be!" He was frantic, he needed her to be alive.

"Eamon you need to calm down," he didn't answer his hysterical questions, instead trying to calm him down again. "If you don't stop I'll have no choice but to use the sedative-" his calming words were interrupted by Eamon's shrieks.

"I FAILED! SHE'S DEAD!" He screamed, writhing on the bed as though he were possessed. "JUST KILL ME! KILL ME PLEASE SO I CAN BE WITH HER AGAIN!" He begged, unfazed by the doctor pulled out a syringe.

"IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE STOMACH TO KILL ME I'LL DO IT MYSELF JUST UNTIE ME!" He continued to scream, his face twisted by the agony of knowing the truth. He looked company deranged as he continued to fight wildly against his restraints. "SHE'D DEAD, I DESERVE TO DIE - I WANT IT PLEASE-" before he could say more he had been stuck in the neck by the doctor's syringe and several moments later everything went black.


Well, that is certainly an awful nightmare... Or is it something more? ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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