17. Glimpse of Violence.

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Ugh, I have to go to work after school, Y/N thought as she raced down the rainy streets after realizing that she had used up all her unpaid leave after the Sunday incident and had to go back into work. I can't believe I almost forgot!

The rain was slowly soaking through her top as she ran but she was too preoccupied to notice the chilly water droplets. How could I nearly forget about work?! She screamed internally.

The ice cream shop finally came into sight and she threw the door open, the bell attached jingling violently. "Hey, boss," she called to her college-age manager behind the counter as she wiped the rain from her eyes. "I'm so sorry I'm late, and I'm so sorry for all the time I took off."

"Don't worry about it, after what happened last time you were in I understand why you wanted time off, and please just call me David," He told her with a grin. His eyes scanned over her soaked white button-up shirt. "Your shirt is soaked, you should change in the staff room, I think there's an extra uniform in there."

"T-Thank you so much David," Y/N stuttered as she realized that her bra was almost entirely visible through the soaked white material. "I'll be right back out I promise." She hurried towards the back room.

"No worries," David called after her cheerfully. "Not too many people want ice cream on a day like this," he chuckled as he looked through the glass windows at the chilly autumn rain.

Y/N hurried into the back room that was filled with cardboard boxes and cleaning supplies and stripped of her wet uniform before pulling on the dry one that David had mentioned. She was just doing up the last few buttons on her shirt when the door to the back room was opened and David entered, Y/N felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck.

"You know, I always thought you were very beautiful Y/N," he said as he slowly walked towards her.

"Thank you but I-I," Y/N stammered shifting away uncomfortably. She didn't like the vibes he was giving off. "I'm not interested in you in that way."

"Why not?" He asked taking two steps forward for every one that Y/N would take back until her heart skipped as her back came into contact with the wall. "There's no need to pretend to be shy, I saw you at the mall with that older man the other day, he's your sugar daddy right?" David asked as he leered down at her.

"You-you were the one stalking us?!" She gasped, her W/C eyes widening with new terror at the thought of being alone with him.

"That's right," he reached out his spindly arms and set them on her waist, pulling her closer as he walked his hands up her torso and began to tug at her blouse. "And seeing you sell yourself like that, well it just made me want you even more." He leaned in close, breathing heavily against her neck.

"NO!!" Y/N squealed, struggling with all her might against him. "DON'T TOUCH ME!!" She writhed out of his clutches, her clothes a mess, and bolted towards the door.

She dashed across the front part of the ice cream parlor, completely disregarding her schoolbag that was still in the back room. She threw herself against the door only to find with a sickening lurch of terror that they had been locked, David must have done it before coming to assault her in the back room. "NO NO NO!!!"

In a moment of clarity within her panic, Y/N pulled out her flip phone and dialed the only number she could think of, darting away as she heard David rushing up behind her. "Hello Y/N-" Eamon's confused voice was like that of an angel to her as he picked up.

"HELP ME!!!" She screamed into the phone as her manager caught up with her and tackled her to the ground  "PLEASE I-" before she could say anything more he yanked the phone from her grasp and broke it in two.

"That wasn't a very nice thing to do," he growled at her through gritted teeth. "I wanted to be gentle with you, but after what you just did you're in for a world of pain."

"Please-please," Y/N begged as tears traced their way down her cheeks, she was terrified and felt completely helpless. "Don't do this..."

"Don't play innocent, I know that you're sleeping with old men," he sneered as he lowered himself on top of her. "now I want a taste." His hot breath fanned against her face.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!!" She wailing thrashing on the floor violently as he tore at her clothing, she would normally just shut up and bear being picking on, but not with something like this.

"THAT HURT YOU BITCH!!!" David snarled, clutching his face which had been struck by one of her wild strikes. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!"

He lunged forward and despite all of Y/N's kicking and thrashing, he managed to get her pinned down beneath him after several minutes. Y/N tried to keep struggling, but she was out of stamina and her attempts were growing weaker by the minute. This is it, Y/N thought as resigned panic gripped her, I'm going to be raped.

"FUCK!!!" David spat in rage and sudden fear as a tall figure appeared at the locked glass door and as soon as he noticed that it was locked he began to throw himself against the door. "YOU CALLED HIM YOU WHORE!!!" He slapped Y/N hard, trying to pull her up and make a run for the back door of the store.

Suddenly, the door was busted down and both Y/N and her manager froze. The red hair and tall stance made it clear that the man was Eamon and Y/N let out a large breath of relief, but when he spoke it was in a voice so menacing that it caused her to shudder and question if it was him at all. "Get. Away. From. Y/N. NOW!!!"

When David tried to bolt towards the broken door Eamon grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him back into reach. He began punching every inch of him that he could reach. Y/N's over-exhausted legs gave in beneath her and she fell to her knees closing her eyes as the sound of the two men fighting continued.

After several minutes the sounds of the fighting stopped. Y/N was scared of what she may see, but she still hesitantly opened her eyes. Eamon was hunched over her manager who laid bruised, bloody, and unconscious. "Y/N- Oh god are you alright?!" Eamon asked, rushing to kneel at Y/N's side, every trace of aggression vanishing from him instantly. "I came as fast as I could!! He didn't hurt you did he?!" He asked and he looked over her disheveled appearance.

"I-I'm ok..." Y/N said quietly, tears spilling from her eyes as she realized how close she had come to being raped. "I was so scared - if you hadn't come he-he-"

"Shh, I'm here," Eamon interrupted her wrapping his arms around her and cradling her tenderly against his chest. "There's no need to be afraid, I will always be here to protect you I promise."

"... Pinky p-promise?" Y/N squeaked, feeling utterly exhausted.

"Pinky promise," he swore, giving her a squeeze. "Now come here, let's go home."


Eamon is a saint. End of story. No debate. Eamon. Is. A. Saint.

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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