38. Baymore Estate pt2.

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Tears pricked in the corner of Y/N's eyes as she stood there shocked at the sight of Eamon with that woman. She was frozen for several moments as she tried to process what she was seeing, after several moments she came to her senses and rushed away before she could be discovered.

She ran through the halls on the manor mindlessly, not caring where she went, her only thought of getting away from what she had witnessed. She ran up an empty staircase and more hallways until she eventually stumbled into a darkened bedroom.

She closed the door and leaned against it as the tears that had been welling in her eyes finally began sliding down her cheeks. She tried to choke back her sobs but with every moment that passed, they became harder to restrain.

She still wasn't sure what it was that she felt for Eamon, she had never been shown love by her mother so how was she supposed to know what love felt like? All she knew was that when she was with Eamon she felt safe, felt like she was special and she mattered.

Is what I feel for Eamon love? She asked herself uncertainly. Everything had been so confusing since Sean had died. Another shuddering sob racked her body as she recalled the sight of Eamon with that beautiful woman, the thought of him being with her was crushing. It must be love, I wouldn't be so upset otherwise.

She slid off the door and slumped into a shadowy corner, pulling her knees up to her chest. Not that it matters anyway, I was so foolish to think that anyone would ever love me. I bet Eamon was just stringing me along and it won't be long before he abandons me, just like everyone else... No one will ever love me... The sobs racking her body were so strong that she could hardly think straight anymore.

W-why would Eamon ever want a shy ugly little girl like me when he can have such a beautiful confident woman? Her thoughts became more and more biting the longer she sat alone in that dark room, but she was too dejected to move. I don't know how I'll ever be able to face him...

She wasn't sure how long she remained like that, she cried until her eyes had gone dry and her throat felt raw and sore from sobbing. She was so upset that she didn't even notice the sound of the door handle turning.

"Y/N?" A gentle and strikingly familiar voice called as the door swung open and a tall shadowed figure stepped inside. It stumbled when it caught sight of her and crouched down. Y/N flinched away as in the dim light she finally was able to make out the face of a worried and pale Eamon. "Y/N?! There you are! I have been looking for you for hours, I was worried something had happened to you-" he gushed as he reached out to her.

"-DON'T TOUCH ME!" Y/N jerked away from his touch, practically hissing.

"What's wrong? What happened? Why are you crying?" He asked in a frenzy, his momentary relief from finding her after hours of searching was replaced by panic at the sight of her teary cheeks.

"It's nothing!" Y/N turned her head away, unable to look him in the face after what she had seen. "Just leave me alone..."

"It's not nothing!" Eamon protested, kneeling on the floor before her. "What's bothering you, why are you so upset?"

"I-I saw you with that woman, holding her," She mumbled, hiding her face behind her hands to disguise the fact that she had begun crying again. "I was a fool to think that you would love me."

"Oh, sweet pea," Eamon crooned, a sad smile resting on his lips as he reached out a comforting hand to caress her cheek but stopped at the last moment when he saw her flinch away again. "I'm so sorry that you saw that, it's understandable that you'd misunderstand things."

"What's to misunderstand?!" Y/N snapped, glaring at him with bloodshot eyes through the gloom in the darkened bedroom. "I saw you with her!"

"Listen, doll," Eamon, sighed, looking away from her and towards his folded hands. "I've been friends with Irene since before she was married, she was one of the few people who supported me while I was divorcing Ann."

"Then what were you doing with her now in that room away from everyone else?" She questioned skeptically, a small hiccup slipping past her trembling lips.

"You see, it's a sensitive matter which is why I didn't tell you exactly why we can tonight but she was the friend who needed my help." He continued his explanation despite her accusations. "She has recently discovered that her husband has been cheating on her and she wanted my advice legally on whether divorce was an option if she wanted to have custody of their daughter."

"B-But you were holding her, I-I saw it," More tears slid down Y/N's cheeks as she feared he was lying to her.

"Irene is in a very fragile state of mind right now and I worried that even rejecting a hug from her would be enough to shatter her entirety," He looked up at Y/N for the first time since he had started his explanation and pure adoration shown in his gaze. "I'm sorry if you thought I loved her but the truth is that you are the only woman I have eyes for."

"But I'm not even a woman!" Y/N sobbed, covering her face with her hands again, her low self-esteem prevented her from believing his words no matter how much she wanted them to be true. "I'm just a worthless little girl-"

"Y/N, you are everything to me," Eamon told her in a stern but gentle face as he pulled her hands away and cupped her cheeks in his large palms as he wiped away her lingering tears. "let me show you just how much I love you." He leaned forward and placed a tender kiss on her lips.

Despite all the conflicted feelings that still dwelled in her heart she couldn't help but melt into his tantalizing embrace. The kiss quickly became more passionate and it wasn't long before he had moved his attention from her lips to her jaw, and from her jaw to her neck. He let out slight growls as he kissed and nibbled at her neck.

"Ah," Y/N was shocked by the small moan that had left her mouth as he began kissing her neck, along with the hot tingly feeling that had erupted in her stomach. "E-Eamon?!" She stammered his name, confused and embarrassed by the noise she had just made.

"Shhh, just enjoy it doll," he breathed hotly against her earlobe before he continued kissing her neck. His hands began gripping and caressing her body, desperate for more contact with her as his groans grew a bit louder.

She had to bite her lip to keep from moaning again and her whole body was starting to feel hot. Eamon reluctantly pulled away from her neck, a string of spit connecting it with his lips. Y/N saw a fire that she had never seen before burning in his blue-graey eyes through the dark as he looked at her, almost hungrily. "Let me give you all the love I have," he said in a throaty voice as he stood, offering his hand and glancing toward the bed.

No longer thinking clearly Y/N through caution to the wind and took his hand. He led her to the bed and slow undressed both of them, it was like he had been bewitched, she had never seen this side of him before. He clung to her almost desperately as he placed kisses all over her body until all she could think about was him. Her whines and moans filled the air along with his groans and the creaking of the bed until they eventually passed out in each other's arms, joined together as lovers.


Well... Looks Y/N and Eamon had their first make-up sex (probably the first of many.)

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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