42. Unfortunate Visitor.

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Eamon rushed over to where Julien was slumped against the wall, ignoring his racing pulse from his unexpected arrival, while Y/N remained frozen on the couch. He supported his friend to the dining room table, noting the faint smell of alcohol on him and realizing that he was drunk.

Wow, Julien is generally an uptight guy, Eamon thought as he helped his friend sit down, it's not like him to be wasted so early on a Saturday. His brow furrowed in concern as he walked to the kitchen to prepare some coffee and pain meds.

Y/N crept into the dining room and watched Julien cautiously. She was still spooked by how close he had come to seeing them making out on the couch. Luckily Julien seemed to be lost in his own world and probably hadn't seen anything.

"Heyyyy Y/N," He slurred as he looked up and finally noticed her presence. She flinched, the drunk men her mother used to bring over to their apartment always frightened her the most, and seeing Julien in such a state made her very uncomfortable. "What-What were you and Eamon doin'... doin' on the couch?" He asked as he squinted at her and her blood ran cold in her chest.

"Here's some coffee Julien, and some pain meds," Eamon interrupted him quickly as he walked back in from the kitchen and he set the mentioned objects on the table in front of his friend. "What happened, drinking too much isn't like you?" He asked quickly, trying to distract him from what he may have seen when he first came in.

"Thish-thish is good coffee, thanks," he slurred after taking a sip of the drink, avoiding the question he'd been asked.

"Julien," the ginger said sternly as he sat down in the chair adjacent to him. "Why did you turn up wasted at my house, something must have happened?"

"It's Aubrey, she-she hasn't been the same since she... Miscarried..." Julien faltered, turning the coffee mug around in his hands as he tried to remain composed. "B-but I never thought she would, even if she hasn't been... Well..." He was rambling, talking more to himself than to the other people in the room.

"What happened?!" Eamon asked in alarm at the cryptic mentions of his friend's wife. "Is Aubrey alright?!"

"I-I don't know..." His voice trembled before breaking with emotion. "I found out she-she's been cheating on me today..."

"No, for how long?!" He exclaimed, unable to believe that Aubrey had cheated on Julien. He had been the best man at their wedding and was friends with them for years. They had always had a very harmonious relationship so hearing that was quite a shock.

"Don't know," The blonde took another swig from his coffee as his eyes glazed over with tears. "He-he's shtill in college... It makes me sick to imagine them together," he scoffed in disgust at the thought of his wife with someone who was still practically a child.

"I'm sorry to hear that Julien," Eamon tried to sound sympathetic while internally his stomach was churning at Julien's comment as he couldn't help but picture his reaction if he ever discovered the relationship that he had with Y/N. "No one deserves the pain of what you're going through. Do you know what you're going to do yet?" He asked, still wanting to help his friend in any way he could.

"I-I don't," he responded, his disdainful expression changing back into a mournful one. "I said I'd work through this together with her, but she didn't want to... She didn't even sheem to want to fight over custody of Rowan and Sky..." His voice quavered and trailed off, his blue-green eyes glossy with unshed tears.

"Where are Rowan and Sky now?!" Eamon asked suddenly standing up from the table as he suddenly worried that the two young children were left by themselves for an unknown amount of time.

"They're shafe," Julien slurred, his posture bent as he slumped over the table. "with their grandparents..."

"I see," the ginger breathed a sigh of relief knowing that the kids were safe and well-cared for. "In that case would you like to stay here?" He offered, not wanting to leave him unsupervised in such a state.

"No no," he pushed his chair back and staggered to his feet, stumbling and leaning against the wall for support. "I'll just get a taxi and-"

"Come on Julien, you can't even walk properly," Eamon interrupted him as he got up from his seat and helped support his friend towards the stairs. "Here, let me help you up to the guest bedroom."

. . .

Julien collapsed in the guest room and didn't emerge for the rest of the day, after they heard was had happened between him and his wife Eamon and Y/N couldn't bring themselves to be as cheery as they had been before. Night had fallen and after tucking Y/N into bed and wishing her good night he went to bed himself.

Despite his tiredness, he tossed around for what felt like hours. Memories of when Ann had left him filled his mind, keeping him awake. He also couldn't forget the look of disgust on Julien's face as he told them how he had found his wife sleeping with a younger man, he couldn't help but imagine the same expression on his face if he ever found out about his less-than-moral relationship with Y/N.

"E-Eamon..." He jumped at the sound of his voice and turned to the door where the small figure of Y/N stood.

"Y/N?" He questioned, squinting in the darkness to try and make out her facial expression. "Is something wrong? Did something happen?" He asked, noticing that the girl was shaking slightly.

"Hold me, please!" She cried, throwing herself into the bed with unusual boldness.

"Oh sweetheart," he shushed her as he pulled her into his embrace at once, wrapping the covers around them and rocking her in his arms. "I'm here. Did you have a nightmare?"

"N-No..."Y/N's answer was muffled as her face was buried against his chest out of shyness and insecurity. "I'm just scared... would you ever... Cheat on me..."

"Oh Y/N!" He was so startled by the ridiculous notion that he couldn't control the volume of his response. He had never been the kind of guy to do that, especially not after being on the receiving and of an affair, but the thought of ever being unfaithful to Y/N was unthinkable to him. She was his whole world, he had come to not only crave her presence but to need it. "I would never cheat on you! I love you with everything I have. There's nothing else that I could want, you're perfect!" He stroked her hair with trembling fingers as he reassured her.

"Oh... Ok..." She sniffled, her face still buried against his chest. "I'm sorry for being so insecure..."

"Don't worry Y/N, I understand," He soothed her, wishing that he could magically make all of her worries and insecurities vanish. "The thought of you being interested in anyone else terrifies me..." His grip on her subconsciously tightened as his mind wandered to the image of her sneaking out and being intimate with someone else, such images made him desire dark things.

Just thinking about her with someone makes my skin crawl and my blood boil... He thought, his eyebrows furrowing as his grip became more vice-like. It makes me want to-to... Best not think of her with anyone else, I'll make sure that never happens. He cut himself off, not wanting to know where that thought ended.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked, still uncertain despite all his affirmations. "Will you promise that you'll never replace me?" She looked up at him with large glossy eyes.

His heart ached with love as he looked at her, but then a twinge of possessive jealousy also sparked within him and influenced his answer, "I will if you will." He leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips before guiding her to lay down next to him and wrapped the covers snugly around them both. "Y/N, you are irreplaceable to me. I will always love you."


Ooooooo, Eamon's yandere side is really starting to show. ^~^

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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