21. Old Memories.

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Despite the exhausting and exciting day she had at the zoo, Y/N for some reason woke up bright and early and couldn't fall back asleep. She sat up in bed and stretched. She thought about all the nice things that Eamon had done for her and realized that she wanted to do something for him. Deciding that breakfast in bed was a good place to begin she jumped out of bed and dashed down to the kitchen, still in her pajamas.

She stuck her head into the fridge, trying to find inspiration for what to make. She wasn't very experienced with making breakfast food, but she was sure that she could figure out something to make Eamon.

. . .

Eamon opened his eyes groggily. At first, he wasn't sure what had caused him to suddenly be awake, but then he heard the sound of someone moving around in the kitchen. This was unusual as Annie was always quieter than a mouse.

Sitting up he threw the covers off and stumbled out of bed. He tiptoed down the stairs as quickly and quietly as he could given that he was still half asleep. The bright sunny light that flooded into the living room from the many windows only added to the blurriness of his vision and the slight disoriented that he felt.

Leaning his hand against the butter-yellow walls he entered the kitchen. He drew in a sharp breath as he saw a woman with permed brown hair bent over a skillet frying up black pancakes as she bit her lip in concentration. The sunlight from the window behind her created a halo effect like the glow of an angel.

"Ann..." He whispered her name as he took a trembling step further into the kitchen, incredulous. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, it had been ten years since she had stood in that kitchen, yet there she was.

He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and when he opened them he got another shock as he saw not his wife but Y/N in her adorable pink pajamas concentrating all her attention on cooking the pancakes. He reached out a shaking hand to touch her, to make sure that she was real.

Y/N squealed and jumped away at his sudden touch, having not heard him enter the kitchen. "AHH! -Oh gosh, you frightened me!" She whirled around, the glass bowl containing the pancake batter slipping from her hands and falling to the floor. It broke as it came into contact with the floor, spilling the liquidy dough in a puddle at her feet. "Oh no, I'm sorry!" Y/N said in remorse as she looked down at the broken bowl in shame, her H/C hair falling in her face.

"It-it's alright," Eamon stammered, trying to force his normal laid-back smile while he was internally still reeling from the strange flashback he had. It was his second one and he couldn't understand why she kept reminding him of his wife. "Here, let me clean it, I don't want you to get cut," he told her as he carefully picked out the glass shards from the slowly spreading batter.

"Thanks," Y/N told him, still embarrassed and ashamed that she had broken the bowl. "and here I was hoping to make you breakfast in bed considering how many times you've made it for me," she sulked at being found out.

"I told you before, Annie made everything, I just delivered it," Eamon laughed, doing his best to push the strange memories from his mind as he finished cleaning up the mess. "And this way we can make breakfast together, ok?" He asked her, trying to cheer her up.

"Ok," she agreed, giving him a smile that caused his heart to skip a beat for some reason.

. . .

Eamon sat alone in his little-used home office, he started up at the ceiling with unseeing eyes as he reflected on the events of the last several days. His first two flashbacks had been far from the only ones he had. Hardly a day would go by anymore without Eamon needing to do a double-take to affirm that Y/N was in fact Y/N, and recently these flashes would also be accompanied by an increased heart rate.

Just what's going on? He asked himself, he may not have gone to school for psychology like Julien had, but even he knew that this probably wasn't healthy. Why am I suddenly getting all of these flashes?

It didn't make any sense why Eamon was being reminded of his ex-wife after all the time that had gone by. It's not like I miss Ann, we're better off apart. He had long gotten over any longing that he had for her, especially considering how badly things had ended between them, so why was he having a sudden resurgence in memories of her? It's been ten years for God's sake.

So why? He had to fight the urge to pull at his ginger hair as he questioned why he was suddenly being bombarded with memories of his ex that had slumbered dormant for a decade. Why are my thoughts consumed by thoughts of her now?

He drew in a few deep breaths and returned his attention to his desk where a journal sat in which he had been documenting these flashbacks to see if he could find similarities apart from them being brought on by Y/N. It first happened when we were at the zoo with Julien and his kids, but the question is why? The memory of Y/N smiling and calling out to him well she held the small boy made him feel just as giddy and weak in the knees as when he'd first seen it. Why is Y/N reminding me of Ann they're nothing alike... Right?

What is wrong with me? Eamon asked, clutching his fist over his chest as he begged his racing heart to slow down. Why am I suddenly having all these thoughts and feelings, it can't be normal, can it?

No no, certainly not! This is as far from normal as anything could be, but the question is why? He scoffed internally as he felt a headache begin to pound in his temples.

Maybe it's just from all the stress lately? He tried to rationalize, not wanting to freak himself out more than he already was. That must be it, the stress is playing tricks on my mind. perhaps I should call Julien and ask if he knows any adult therapists he would recommend.


Ooooo! Eamon is beginning to unwind, but he's still in denial. Word of warning, you will see a lot more mental deterioration in this book than you see even in most yandere books

Until next time I'll see you on the other side

~J. C. Coltt.~

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