Chapter 21

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"It was a fucking nightmare, let me tell you," Freddie smiled, sitting on the bed next to me.

I giggled. I could see why Amber liked him so much. He was funny and great- but John was still funnier and greater.

Fredide must of felt my mood change, for he got up suddenly and slapped me lightly on my knee, like what my dad would do after telling me a bedtime story way back then. That's what Freddie was basically doing- telling me a bedtime story.

"Im'ma go get some chocolate. Did you know that chocolate has tryptophan, which is linked to the production of serotonin, the 'feel-good' hormone?" Freddie asked, stopping in front of the door.

"No, I didn't," I shook my head.

"Neither did I, until Roger told me that after my audition day," he smiled once more. He had the sweetest smile, when he didn't hide it with his hand. "I announced to everyone that I wanted chocolate, and Roger struck us with that fact."

"That's cool," I smiled back, snuggling farther into my blankets. I honestly felt like a little child again, with Freddie acting like my father.

"It is. Don't go to sleep yet. I want to have some chocolate," he ordered me with a smirk, pointing a finger at me.

"Yes, dad," I rolled my eyes, earning a small chuckle from the man.

Freddie left the bedroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I looked over at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed. It read 1:30, and judging from outside, it was in the morning. I sighed. I usually would be asleep now, not eating chocolate with a man I hardly know.

I thought back to when I arrived at here again, waking poor Freddie and Mary. I felt so bad- it was midnight, and I was a crying mess when I arrived. Nevertheless, they let me in and let me stay in an extra bedroom they had. Bless their kind hearts, Mary and Freddie.

I told then everything, walking back to my dorm and seeing John in bed with Amber. As Freddie said before, it was a fucking nightmare. After I told them my little tale, Mary announced that she was going to bed, and Freddie and I migrated to the bedroom I was staying at, Freddie telling me stories of this and that. He was a great story teller, almost as good as he was at singing. It kept my mind off of John, and I thank Freddie deeply for that.

John. God, I wish I would've stayed and listen to his reasoning. It happened all so quickly, seeing him in bed with Amber, and me frantically running out of there and coming here.

"I've got it!" Freddie bursted through the door with a bowlful of chocolate frosting. "Tonight, we shall feast, my fair lady!"

I laughed as I sat up in bed. Freddie plopped down next to me, putting the bowl in between us. "Don't you think this is a little too much chocolate?"

"Not at all, dear!" Freddie chirped, dipping his finger into the frosting. I slightly grimaced at that. "There's no such thing as 'too much chocolate'."

I shook my head as I chuckled. I shrugged slightly before dipping my finger into the sweet substance. "So, tell me," Freddie started, "how does it feel to live on a farm?"

"Way different from living in the city, that's for sure," I answered. "You don't hear anything but nature, except at night during the winter. Usually it's silent then, understandably. And you're surrounded by nothing but nature, excluding the equipment."

"That sounds absolutely wonderful. Maybe I should move to a farm one of these days."

I laughed. "Maybe, if you're up for it."

The room grew suddenly silent, both of us enjoying the chocolate. The sweet did cheer me up a little, but it still didn't take John off of my mind.

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