Chapter 10

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"Amber, what's wrong?" I said as I ran to her side.

"I-I told Roger how I felt about Tim when you left, an-and he shouted at me, calling me a bitch," she whimpered.

That dick. "Oh fuck, I'm so sorry," I apologized, shocked by my language. If Mum was here, she would slap me all the way to America. But no time to think about that. Right now Amber needs me.

I gave her an awkward side hug, putting my head against her shoulder. She started to cry again, letting go of her pillow and chose me instead. I sat there, rubbing her back as she criedy, just like what Mum did when I had a bad dream when I was little.

"It's going to be okay," I whispered in her ear to calm her down. "He doesn't deserve you anyways," I added, like what they did in the movies.

"But I-I hurted him," she retorted.

"So? He was going to hurt you too some time," I replied, thinking back to Roger's conversation with the Sandra girl in P.E.

Amber sat up. "What do you mean?"

"I overheard his conversation with a girl in P.E the first day of school. She asked him if he was still dating you, and he said yes, but he was planning on breaking up with you," I explained.

"That son of a whore," she growled beneath her breath.

I laughed at her aggressiveness. "No need to be calling people lewd names, Amber," I tousled her hair. "Although he did deserve it as much as he deserved to be dragged down to hell." That was as close as I came to cussing ever in front of my parents.

"And maybe that girl can go with him. What was her name?"

"I can't remember," I lied smoothly, not wanting to start a break between the two girls.

"If I see her in the school glued to Roger's hip, I'm going to smash her skull open," she quietly said as she clenched her fists.

I continued to rub her back. "You know, violence is not the answer."

"I don't care. She is a fucking slut."

"But you like Tim while dating Roger."

"I don't care," she repeated. "At least I didn't go around and try to steal other people's boyfriends."

"I guess you have a point, but please don't go and smash her skull open," I replied.

"Fine," she huffed, wiping away a few stray tears.

After a few minutes of silence, she asked me to play a Beatles album again. This time it was their new one, and Come Together was on first.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," she said as she layed back and put her hand over her eyes.

"No problem."

"What's going on in your love life?"

"What love life?" I joked.

"You know what I meant. Between you and John. Did he get a chance to ask you out?"

I thought back to earlier, and almost squealed. "Yeah," I muttered, a dumb smile on my lips.

"What?!" Amber squealed, sitting up right. I heard her back pop, ew. "Really?! To what?! Where?! When?!"

"Okay okay, calm down Sherlock," I said what my dad would say if one of us kids had a bunch of questions. "Yes, really. To coffee. I don't know where yet, and on Saturday."

"Oh my God! I'm so happy that your love life is going way better than mine!"

I laughed. "Sure."

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