Chapter 4

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I woke up with a pounding headache, and Amber playing Simon and Garfunkel was not helping it.

"Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk to you again..."

"Wake up, (Y/N)!" Amber screamed at the top of her lungs, pausing the record.

"Hey! I was kinda enjoying that," I pouted. Simon and Garfunkel is the perfect cure for a headache.

"I had enough of depressing music," she said, plopping down on my bed. "How's your head?"

"It hurts," I responded. "I've got a major headache."

"It isn't a headache," she said matter of fact-ly. "It's your first hangover!" She seemed a little too ecstatic for my first hangover.

"Yay for first hangovers," I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"But you need to get ready," she said, standing up and running to her dresser. "It's the first day of school!"

"We got drunk the night before the first day of college?" I squeaked.

"Yep!" she exclaimed, popping the p.

"Shit," I whispered, leaning back.

"Come on, wakey wakey!" Amber said, pulling on my arm. "We have no time to lay down anymore."

She pulled open the curtains, and I swear to God, I hissed at the light.

"What are you? A vampire?" Amber asked sarcastically.

"It just hurts," I whispered, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the light.

"You'll get used to it." She went back to her dresser and grabbed some clothes. "Get dressed," she said when she threw a pillow at me.

"Fine, fine."

I went to my dresser and picked out the dress my mum made me for my first day.

"Uh, no way you're gonna wear that," Amber said, coming up from behind me and taking the dress. She then threw some jeans and a red shirt on my bed. "You're gonna wear these."

"My mum made me that," I whined again.

"If you want to attract old men then that's fine by me," she said sarcastically, handing me back my dress. I don't understand what was so wrong with my dress. It was a simple white dress that had a 50s vibe to it...

"Fine," I grumbled. I didn't want pervy old men creeping on me.

We got dressed and got a shower (Amber took about a thousand years to take a shower).

I was trying to put my hair up in a ponytail, but Amber stopped me.

"What are you doing?" I asked when she sat me down in front of her and grabbed a lock of my hair.

"Braiding it," she simply replied, brushing my hair.

"Why do you want to braid my hair?"

"Because I think you'll look cute with braided hair. You have to look cute as much as possible for the guys!"

"Maybe I don't want to."

"You're going to, no matter what."

"I barely know you and you're already acting like a big sister to me."

"Probably because I am a big sister."

"So am I."

"I bet I'm older than you."

She finished braiding my hair and let me go. "I doubt that," I said as I ran my fingers over the braid.

"How old are you?"

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