Chapter 6

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Im gonna start putting the picture at the beginning

John smiled at me, showing his teeth.

We sat together silently, listening to Mr. Hardy as he talked about what to expect for tomorrow.

"Seems fun," I heard John whisper to himself after Mr. Hardy told us we were gonna start off with tennis tomorrow.

I looked over at John. Before I didn't get a full aspect of what he was wearing and what he really looked like.

He had medium length mouse-brown hair, reaching to his shoulders, with a little peach fuzz showing on his upper lip. Not much to be considered a moustache, but enough to show. He was skinny, the perfect kind of skinny... I guess. He was wearing what my dad called "bell jeans," which were really just bell-bottomed jeans. With the jeans, he was wearing a button-up shirt with the first few buttons left open. He also had a couple of rings on his fingers.

Compared to what I was wearing, he looked absolutely gorgeous, in my eyes.

I decided to make some small talk, awkwardly of course.

"Nice weather we're having," I said. Actually, it was gloomy outside with threatening clouds overhead, or that's at least what I saw from the gym and the classes' windows.

John cocked an eyebrow at me and gave me a small, confused smile. "Uh, sure, if you like rain."

I blushed at the realization of what I just commented. "Oh, uh, yeah, of course," I stuttered, turning away from him.

"Do you like the rain?" he quietly asked.

I stayed silent for a moment. I didn't really like the rain, but I would look stupid if I said no when I just said, "what nice weather we're having," like a dummy.

"Um, no, not really," I began. "But... Um..."

"It's just one of those days when rain just feels right?" he finished for me.

I nodded rapidly. "Uh, yeah! Yeah, that's right."

"I have those days," he sighed, a small grin appearing on his lips. God, how I wanted to kiss him. But wouldn't that be awkward? I mean, I never kissed anyone in my life besides my mum and dad, but that was only on the cheek.

We didn't talk much after that, the awkward tension building up between us.

"So, um, whereabouts are you from?" I asked timidly.

He turned around and smiled at me again, making my head swim. "Oadby, Leicester," he said.

"Moving from there to London must of been a big change for you then."

"I could say the same thing about you. Living on a farm then moving to a big city must of been nerve-racking, in my opinion."

"Yeah, but it was also fun. Living on a farm all your life does get pretty boring, especially since you can't meet no one new every day."

"You had the animals, though. I bet they were fun to be around."

"Not really. Chasing pigs around isn't all that fun, and being bucked off your horse is definitely not fun at all."

He laughed at this. I could listen to that laugh all day, every day. "That sounds painful. I mean, not the pig part, but the horse part."

I nodded, smiling. "Yeah," I sighed. I could feel myself getting lost in his eyes.

"(Y/N)!" someone suddenly yelled behind me.

I snapped back, turning my head around to see who it was. It was Roger.

"I thought I lost ya for a minute there!" he exclaimed. "You seemed to be in some kind of trance. I was calling your name for the past 2 minutes."

I turned around to ask for confirmation from John, but he was already gone.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry," I scratched my head. "What did you needed?"

"I was gonna tell you that you were making the poor lad blush and uncomfortable, staring at him like that," Roger smirked.

I felt heat suddenly appear in my cheeks. "Oh," was all I could muster.

Roger chuckled lightly at the sight in front of him. "You know, you look cute when you blush," he commented, making me blush even more.

"Eyee..... Uh..... I-sure. Thanks," I stumbled over my words.

Roger smile became broader, and he winked at me. He turned back around, now talking to the
Sandra girl he was originally talking to.

I looked around, looking for that soft face again. If Roger was right, I must of scared him pretty bad because he was nowhere in sight.

He's got to be here, I thought as I looked around for the third time. He just can't get up and leave the gym. I don't think Mr. Hardy would appreciate that.

Before I could stand up to get a better view, the bell rang. Everyone in the gym sprung up and ran towards the doors, eager to go to the next class and end the day as quickly as they could.

With all the people now standing up, it was even harder to find John. I wanted to find him and say I'm sorry. I was sorry that I was making him uncomfortable. I'm so stupid, I mentally slapped myself as I walked out the doors.

As always, Amber was there, a smile upon her face and running towards me.

"So, how was it?" she asked me once she caught up. Roger soon followed, wrapping his arms around her waist. Why does he even bother doing that when they aren't in love anymore?

"Fine, I guess," I nonchalantly said, spicing it up with a shrug.

"You guess?!" Amber laughed. "What do you mean, you guess?"

"She ran into a wall," Roger joked.

"I did not!" I said, blushing.

Amber laughed even harder, face growing red from the lack of air. "You ran into a wall?!" she shreeked.

"No!" I mumbled. "We didn't even run today. All we did was sit around and talk."

Amber suddenly stopped laughing and gasped. "Did you see Johnny Boy?"

"Johnny Boy?" I giggled. What a funny name. "Who's Johnny Boy?"

"John, ya dummy," Amber rolled her eyes. "Did you see John?"

"Oh, yeah," I said. "Um, I-I did see him."

"And she made him run away by her deadly stare," Roger joked even more, laughing at his own joke.

"What?" Amber asked, eyebrows raised. "You scared him away?"

Once again, I blushed. I nodded slowly, looking at the ground as we walked towards nowhere.

Amber laughed again. "Oh well. Maybe you'll see him again, and you'll be given another chance."

"Yeah, another chance of staring at him," Roger rolled his eyes. Instead of sounding playful, he sounded kinda jealous. Why was he jealous?

"Well, we're not getting anywhere by just walking around. What's your next class?" Amber asked.

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