Chapter 9

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As the day came to a close, I walked outside to catch some fresh air. Roger and Amber were in the dorm together, cooing and kissing like there was no tomorrow. I didn't know why; they must of have been faking it.

I thought about today, what happened during P.E. As soon as I walked into the gym, holding my duffel bag, I saw John talking to another girl. Jealousy ripped through me, causing searing pain and anger that I was not expecting. Why am I feeling like this? I questioned myself as I shot him a glare and turned around on my heel to look away. I didn't have enough time to assess what he was feeling while talking to the girl, nor did I want to. I stormed off to the locker rooms, my bag swinging around rapidly and dangerously. I quickly got dressed, and jogged out to the gym. I stopped at the border line of the gym, and sulked. John saw me and ran towards me, a smile on his face.

"Hey!" he said cheerfully.

"Hi," I replied without looking at him. I didn't want to get lost into his eyes and smile along with him.

"What's wrong?" I could practically hear the smile disappear from his voice.

I shook my head and sighed. "Nothing," I answered as I shifted from foot to foot.

"You sure?"


"Okay class!" Mr. Hardy called out, capturing attention from everybody. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see John shrug.

I couldn't pay attention as Mr. Hardy put us in teams and told us the rules of tennis. It turned out that I was on the same team as John and that one Sandra girl who gushed over Roger every chance she got. We were against Roger's team, along with the girl that John was talking to and some other guy I didn't know the name of. For most of the game, I tripped over my feet or the ball somehow. And each time John and Roger at the same time would come rushing over to see if I was alright. It was embarrassing, to say the least.

After a while, I got the hang of the game, and actually gained my team some points. Every time I would get a point, John would look over and beam at me, and when he did, I looked away. The game eventually ended, and Roger's team won. I cursed myself for being so bad at sports.

After the game, John came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder, scaring me slightly. I quickly turned around and wished I didn't.

"Yeah?" I asked, trying to be as polite as possible. It was impossible with all the anger I was feeling. Why was I so angry at John when he didn't do anything?

"I-I just wanted to say good job," he chirped, the same cute little smile that I've grown to love so quickly on his face.

"Um, thanks," I managed a fake smile. "You too."

"And about earlier, at English..." he trailed off.

"You mean in front of the English class's doors?"

He nodded.

"What about it?"

"What I meant to say was... um... I was wonder-"

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Roger yelled out, running towards us. I saw John frown and look away as Roger reached us.

"I just wanted to say good job today. You were fair opponents, I must say," Roger praised me.

I smiled and nodded. "You too."

He nodded back, and left to go change.

"What were you saying?" I asked John once Roger was out of ear shot.

"N-nothing," he mumbled, walking away to go get dressed too.

I stared at his back as he left. What was he going to say before he was interrupted by Roger? I asked Amber that during English, which threw her into a squealing fit.

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