Chapter 7

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Finally, it was the end of the day. I was glad to be able to go back to my dorm and relax. Although it's mighty impossible to relax with Amber there.

"So," she said as she plopped down into her bed. "Did you get to see John again today?"

I sighed. It turned out that I didn't have any more classes with him. "No," I said, sounding a bit more disappointed than intended.

Amber caught on. "Oooh, sounds like your in love," she teased.

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Yes. Very obvious. You made the poor lad uncomfortable, according to Roger."

"Hey, that was unintentional! I never flirted before, so..." I trailed off.

Amber once again bursted into laughter. "I know, I know. I was just kidding, gosh," she rolled her eyes playfully.

I huffed and put my arms across my chest. A self conscious move I've developed over the years.

"Whatcha gonna do when you see him tomorrow?"

"Try to apologize and hopefully become friends with him without being so awkward," I replied before Amber could even try suggesting me things.

"Atta girl," Amber smirked. "Now you're getting it."

I rolled my eyes. "What 'bout you? Whatcha gonna do with the Tim and Roger situation?"

Amber shrugged. "I don't know yet."

"Maybe you should just be honest with Roger?"

"Wow. That's actually really good advice," Amber said, a disappointing look on her face. "Just straight up break Roger's heart. Nice."

"Well, it'll be better than lying him to all the time. It'll hurt worse when he hears it from someone else," I shrugged. "Just a suggestion from experience."

"What do you mean, 'from experience'? You never had a boyfriend."

"I lied to my little brother about his pet fish being in the pond back home when it was really dead," I shrugged. "You should of seen his face when I told him the truth. I made a promise to myself that I would never lie again about something so serious."

"A fish dying is not as serious as a heartbreak."

"Not when that fish meant something special to someone. That was his only friend, that fish."

"Okay, okay fine. Enough with the soap box."

"Thanks for coming to (Y/N)'s advice show. Tune back in tomorrow for some more advice," I joked.

"Wow. What a sense of humor."

"Okay, jeez. Just trying to make the situation lighter."


"It's fine."

Silence fell upon us. I took advantage of the time to turn back the Simon and Garfunkel record back on from this morning. The happy tunes of Leaves That Are Green float out of the record player, making me slightly smile.

"Once my heart was filled with love of a girl
I held her close but she faded in the night
Like a poem I meant to write."

Sounds a quite bit like how Amber and Roger's relationship is going.

"Wanna go out for some pizza with me?" Amber asked so suddenly, it made me jump. I was laying on my bed, getting lost in the music.

"Uh, sure," I shrugged.

She got up quickly, almost tripping over her own feet. Then she grabbed her boots, and looked at me and said: "Well, what are you waiting for? Get ready!"

I sighed with a little smile. "Okay, Mum," I joked.

Amber smiled. "Get up!" she said in her most motherly voice. "We're gonna be late!"

"What, gonna be late for pizza? It's never too late for pizza!" I protested.

"Still. Get your ass up and get ready," Amber fought back.

"Fine," I faked pouted. I got up to grab my boots, and slipped them on as quickly as I could. Didn't want to make Mummy Amber mad.

We walked along the streets to the closest restaurant we could find. Unfortunately, they didn't serve pizza, but they served fish and chips, Amber's favorite dish apparently. We ordered, and went to sit down at a table where we were facing the streets. Somewhere in the kitchen, someone was playing Maxwell's Silver Hammer.

"Here's your order," someone said as we were chatting away about how disgusting pigs are.

We both looked up and were met by the lovely face of John.

Instantly I felt my face burn, and saw John's face do the same. I quickly looked away at Amberto see that she was smirking at me.

"So," she said, squinting at John's name tag, "John. You know Ms. (Y/N) here?"

I glared at her as John nodded slightly. "Yeah," he whispered.

"Oh cool! Is this the John you were talking about?" Amber turned to me.

I didn't say anything.

"Um, well, enjoy your food," John left before I could say anything.

"I thought you were gonna apologize!" Amber whispered to me after he left.

"It's kinda hard to when you're doing all the talking," I retorted.

"Well, you could of just ignored me and said sorry to him."

She had a point.

"When he comes back with our check, I'll make sure you say sorry to him," Amber asserted before she took a bite out of her fish. "I got to be honest, though. He is pretty cute."

Tell me about it, I thought while thinking of all the times I sworn I fell for him.

We finished our food, and waved down John to give us our check. A fake smile that was on his lips became a real one when he walked towards us.

"We're ready for our check," Amber smiled.

John nodded, and left to grab our check.

"Now's your time to say sorry," Amber leaned over to me as John returned to us.

"Here ya go," he said, the smile still on his face.

"Uh..." I said, a lump developing in my throat. Cursed social anxiety.

"(Y/N) here wants to say something to you," Amber said, an innocent look on her face.

John looked at me, making eye contact with me. I was stranded for words.

"Sorry," was all I could muster out.

"For what?" John cocked his head to the side, the cutest little gesture I've ever seen.

"F-for making you uncomfortable in Physical Ed," I mumbled. I lowered my head to hide my flustered cheeks.

I heard John slightly chuckle. Another cute litte gesture of his. "That's alright. Just, don't do it again."

Amber smiled at me. "Now that's settled, here's our money. The food was great, by the way."

"I'll make sure to tell our cook that. Thank you for coming," John smiled before leaving.

"C'mon, let's go home. Now I want to listen to the Beatles," Amber said, pulling me up. Here Comes The Sun was now playing in the kitchen.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Hey, sorry for the REALLY long wait. It's been a busy couple of months, moving into our new house and getting accustomed to everything. Plus, it's been a really hard time for me here.
I hope that y'all arent mad at me 😅


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