Chapter 12

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We arrived at a cafe by the name of Costa Coffee, a little coffee shop in the Grand Building and near the South American building or something. I forgot. As we were driving here, John was telling me names of buildings and telling facts and personal stories about them. Not that I didn't love it, the names just mixed up and I forgot some names.

Anyways, John opened the car door open for me, and I stepped out. I flash a quick smile at him before blushing and pretending to fix my skirt. I was glad I had worn the skirt- it was an oddly warm day in London for it being so close to October.

John walked with me to the doors of the cafe and opened them for me. I blushed once again at this gentleman-ness before a posh lady shouldered her way by me.

"Move it, wanker," I heard her say underneath her breath. My smile quickly faded. I didn't know what "wanker" meant, but the way she sounded, it didn't seem like a nice name to be called.

"Don't mind her," John whispered in my ear as we walked in. "You're better than a wanker. Way better."

If it was even possible, I blushed more at his little compliment, and quickly looked down. I heard John chuckle at my reaction, and every nerve in my body settled down at the light and cheerful sound for some reason.

We took a seat by a window that faced towards the South American building, and I looked around the place. It was quaint, and cute, and had a warm and cozy feeling to it. I smiled as I felt relaxed and calm, and loving John for picking out this cafe.

"Welcome to Costa Coffee, I'll be your waiter for tonight," a sandy blonde man about the same age as us walked to our table with two menus in his hand, his name tag reading "Charles". He looked at me and his smile became real. "Just holler at me when you want to order," he said more to me than John before walking off.

I looked at John, and I could see a glimpse of jealousy before he buried his nose into the menu.

"So," he started, "whatcha want to do today?"

I shrugged, even though he probably didn't see it. "I don't know."

"Well, we can on a little tour of the cith," he suggested before putting down his menu down.

"That sounds perfect to me," I smiled as I returned back to my menu.

We waved our waiter down after we picked out what we wanted, and gave him our orders. I ordered some scones and a cup of hot tea with cream, while John ordered a blueberry muffin and a cup of hot tea also, just with some honey instead.

Once the waiter left, John and I couldn't stop talking. We talked about our family lives, what we were majoring in- which turned out we majoring in same thing-, little things like that. We also swapped stories, and my favorite ones of his were when him and his little sister -"You and Julie would get along just fine," he added in- made up their own little band when they were young, and how he became to love cars and tinkering with things like his late father. I thought there were so heartwarming and wholesome.

Our waiter came and gave us our food and drinks before smiling only at me and saying to wave him down when we wanted to pay. We nodded, and dove into our food. The scones I ordered weren't as good as my mother's, but it reminded me of home. The tea, however, was amazing, and so was the cream.

We finished up and payed our bill before I was rushed out by John. He was eager for our little tour to start. I got into the car as quickly as I could, also eager to go on the tour and see all of the amazing attractions I've heard so much about.

"You ready?" John asked me as he buckled himself in. I nodded and smiled as I copied him. He turned on the car and we were off.

"First stop, the British Museum!"

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