Collision of Warriors

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You and Shay hear an explosion from up ahead and see Jaden and Yuto starting a duel as Yuya watches. Yuya notices you as they shout "Duel".

Yuya: hey guys.

You: what's happening?

Shay: YUTOOO!!!

Yuto: wait your turn patiently Shay, I'll show you all the truth eventually.

Shay: grr...

Yuto: I'll start by summoning Phantom Knights' of Ancient Cloak! I now activate my Cloak's effect! I switch it to defense mode to give it 800atk and 800def!

Ancient Cloak 1000>>>1800def

Yuto: I end my turn with a facedown card

Jaden: I DRAW! I summon Elemental Hero Sparkman! I now play the spell card Polymerization! I fuse Burstinatrix with Avian! I FUSION SUMMON ELEMENTAL HERO FLAME WINGMAN!!!

Jaden: Now Flame Wingman will attack your Ancient Cloak!

Yuto: I PLAY THE TRAP PHANTOM KNIGHTS' OF WRONG MAGNETRING! I now negate your attack and summon it as a level 2 monster in atk mode!

Jaden: Sparkman attacks your Magnetring!

Yuto: I will use the effect of my Magnetring and send itself along with my cloak to the graveyard to draw 2 new cards! DRAW!

Jaden: You leave yourself wide open for a direct attack then!

Yuto: GRR!!!

Yuto 4000>>>2400LP

Shay: that's unusual

You: huh?

Shay: Yuto would never leave himself wide open like that just to draw 2 cards

Jaden: I end my turn with a facedown!

Yuto: I DRAW! I banish Ancient Cloak from my graveyard and add the monster Phantom Knights' of Silent Boots from my deck to my hand!

Yuto's deck ejects a card he puts it in his hand before playing a different card.

Yuto: I now summon Phantom Knights' of Ragged Gloves! Since I have a Phantom Knights' on my field, I can also summon Silent Boots! I NOW BUILD THE OVERLAY NETWORK WITH MY LEVEL 3 WARRIORS!!!

Jaden: here comes an Xyz monster

Yuto: APPEAR PHANTOM KNIGHTS' OF BREAK SWORD! My Ragged gloves gives the Xyz monster that used it for a summon 1000atk

Break Sword 2000>>>3000atk

Yuto: Now I will have my Break Sword strike down your Sparkman!


Jaden slams onto his back while Yuto stares down upon him.

Jaden 4000>>>2600LP

Yuto places a card facedown as Jaden gets back to his feet.

Yuto: your move

Jaden: I draw! I now play my facedown card Metaverse! I activate the field spell Skyscraper from my deck!

Your eyes widen along with everybody else.

You: he activated a field spell from his deck!?

Jaden: Now it's my turn to attack! Flame Wingman attacks Break Sword!


Yuto's knight pulls back it's sword and begins to bring it down on his target but Flame Wingman teleports out of the way and reappears above the knight with it's right arm pulled back for a powerful punch.

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