Knights in Deep Water

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Yuto: DRAW! I summon Phantom Knights' Fragile Armor!  I then set a card facedown, since I have no traps in my graveyard, I can activate it and summon it as a level 4 monster! So appear Shade Brigandine! Now I overlay my Brigandine and Fragile Armor! I XYZ SUMMON DARK REBELLION XYZ DRAGON!!!

Shark: Dark Rebellion already!? Somebody is impatient!


Shark: I play the trap Poseidon's Wave! This negates your attack and deals you 800 damage for each fish, Sea Serpent, and Reptile on my field!

Yuto 2800>>>2000LP

Yuto: I end my turn with 2 facedowns!

Shark: I DRAW! I use one overlay unit to deal you 400 damage for each card in my hand! 

Yuto: GGGRRR!!!

Yuto 2000>>>800LP

Shark: Then I summon Deep Sweeper! Now I can also special summon Silent Angler when there's a water attribute monster on my field! I overlay my two level 4 monsters to Xyz summon Rank 4 Bahamut Shark! I use one overlay unit to special summon a rank 3 or lower water attribute Xyz monster from my extra deck! I summon Black Ray Lancer! I now rebuild the overlay Network with my Black Ray Lancer to Xyz summon rank 4 Full Armored Black Ray Lancer! My Lancer gains 200atk for each of it's overlay units!

Full Armored Black Ray Lancer 2100>>>2300atk

Shark: Now Bahamut Shark will attack Dark Rebellion!!!

Yuto: I ACTIVATE MY TRAP! Phantom Knights' of Wrong Magnetring! This negates your attack and summons itself as a level 2 monster!

Shark: Then Aero Shark will attack Your Magnetring!

Yuto: I ACTIVATE MY OTHER TRAP! It's a 2nd Copy of the trap I just played!

Shark: Now My Lancer will attack your 1st Magnetring!

Yuto: I activate the effect of the 1st Magnetring and tribute them both to draw 2 new cards! DRAW!

Shark: Grr...You may be brainwashed but you still duel the same...So I'll have to set up counter measures! I detach the 2 overlay units my 2 Xyz monsters have so I can special summon Xyz Remora in defense mode! I then end my turn with a facedown!

Full Armored Black Ray Lancer 2300>>>2100atk

Yuto: DRAW! I use both overlay units of Dark Rebellion to steal half the attack of Black Ray Lancer and Bahamut Shark!

Bahamut Shark 2600>>>1300atk

Full Armored Black Ray Lancer 2100>>>1050atk

Dark Rebellion 2500>>>4850atk

Yuto: Now Dark Rebellion attacks Your Black Ray Lancer!


Shark 4000>>>200LP

Shark lands on his back and then onto his chest before sliding to a stop.

Yuto: I Now play the quick play spell Phantom Knights' of Rank Up Magic Launch!!! I overlay Dark Rebellion to Xyz summon another monster that's one rank higher!

Shark gets up to his feet while holding his left side with his right arm in slight pain.


Shark smiles and chuckles a little which alarms Yuto.

Shark: Like I said, YOU DUEL THE SAME YUTO!

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