The Golden King

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A few days have passed by and you had returned to the garage with the others. Everyone was taking the time to rest and recovery from the fight that broke out at The New Domino City Mall. You were currently sitting on front steps thinking about it all as you gently felt the bandages around your abdomen. You pondered about the possibility of actually winning this war against Yubel. No matter how many duelists or obstacles you overcome, she'd somehow have more surprises for you at every turn. You growled under your breath with frustration.

You: She's always two steps ahead....

The front door suddenly opened and snapped you out of your thoughts so you quickly recover your composure to not worry anyone as you turn to see it's Electra.

Electra: Is it alright if I join you out here?

You: Sure, how's everyone doing inside?

Electra: Well, your friends are definitely tough, it's no wonder you've guys gave us so much trouble.

You smirk and nod.

You: That they are....

A moment of silence goes by after Electra sits down next you but then she speaks up.

Electra: I want you to know I'm sorry for my actions. I know apologizing doesn't fix anything so I'm going to do what I can to help stop Yubel.

You: It's alright-

Electra: I'm serious, I want to join you guys and help my friends see Yubel is in the wrong.

You nod out of respect and offer her a handshake which she slowly takes.

You: Welcome to the team....if Declan was here, he'd say "We're honored for you to fight by our side as a Lancer"

You have a quick chuckle and sigh.

Electra: Where's this Declan now?

You look up to the sky. 

You: He's probably back in the Standard Dimension wondering where we went or what's taking us so long to return.

Electra: Well, I'll be sure to help you guys get home soon

Sirens begin to sound off in the distance and grow louder as you look down the street. You see a squadron of Sector Security headed your way. You then turn around to see another squadron closing in on you. Electra stands to her feet and pulls out her dueldisk in a panic, but you place your hand on her left forearm to stop her.

You: It's alright, they're friendly.

Sector Security comes to a halt in front of the garage as they turn to face you with a badge in hand.

Officer 1: You're coming with us, all of you.

You: wait, what?

Electra: I thought you said they were friendly.

Officer 1: Don't get the wrong idea ma'am, we mean no harm....but you guys DID destroy Neo Domino City's Mall...

Electra: I see you have a point.

Officer 2: The Council wishes to speak with you and your group, some of your friends have already been gathered and are waiting for your arrival.

You: Alright, I'll let the others know to load up then.

You lead the way inside as Electra follows you inside. You look around the room as Shay walks over.

Shay: Any sign of Yuto or the others?

You: Sector Security is here to take us to The Council; they want to speak with us about the mall.

Crow: But what if Yugo, Rin, or the twins come back looking for us?

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