Un-Synchronized Defense

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Shay and Kite were walking around the city together in search of the attackers and their allies.

Kite: This city is huge

Shay: yea it is, it's been awhile since I've been here. Last time I was here, it was full of corruption anywhere you looked.

Kite: That's hard to believe to see how happy this place is.

Shay: yea-

???: These guys are everywhere

Shay and Kite look to see 3 hooded figures following close behind Sarah as they approach from an alley. Shay and Kite put their dueldisks on and step back.

Sarah: so who talked?

Kite: what do you-?

Sarah: Don't play dumb, the only reason you'd know we came to Synchro is if one of ours said something.

Kite and Shay look at each other and set their dueldisks.

Kite: I don't sell out allies

Shay:(He considers Kiaba an ally!?)




Kite watches closely as Crowler is on a video call with Kiaba and Yugi to inform them of the attack.

Kiaba: they succeeded in getting the Sacred Beasts!? They'll be headed for Synchro next to recruit the Dark Signers and capture the ones who defeated them.

Kite walks up to be seen and speaks.

Kite: aren't you a part of their organization!? Why would you help us!?

Kiaba's looks turns into a sad one.

Kiaba: because if I don't do what they want me to, they'll kill my brother...

Kite's eyes widen as the whole group is taken into shock.


Present Day


Kite/Shay/Sarah/Goons: LET'S DUEL!!!

Kite: first move is mine, I summon Cipher Wing! Now Since I control a Cipher monster, I can special summon the 2nd Cipher Wing from my hand! Now I activate the continuous spell Cipher Interference! I end my turn with 2 facedowns!

Goon 1: I draw! I summon Ancient Gear Wyvern! I use my Wyvern's effect to add Ancient Gear Fusion to my hand! Now My Wyvern will attack your 1st Cipher Wing

Kite: My spell's effect now activates!

Goon 1: huh?

Kite: When I have 2 monster with the same name on my field and one of them are battling, I can double it's attack once per turn!

Cipher Wing 1400>>>2800atk

Goon 1 4000>>>2900LP

Goon 1: I activate the field spell Geartown! Now I activate the spell Ancient Gear Catapult and destroy Geartown to special summon an Ancient gear Golem from my deck! When Geartown is destroyed, I can summon another Ancient Gear from my deck!

A duo of Golems rise from the ground and stand up to tower over Kite and Shay.

Goon 1: Now I activate the spell polymerization and Fuse one of my golems with the Ancient Gear Soldier in my hand! Rise in defense mode Ancient Gear Howitzer! Now I activate Howitzer's effect and deal you 1000 damage!

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