
4 0 0

Mizar/Girag/Jack/Shay: LET'S DUEL!!!

Girag: The first turn is mine! I summon Fire Hand to my field! I then end my turn with a facedown card!

Shay: I'm next! I draw! I summon Raidraptor Vanishing Lanius! With the effect of my feathered friend, I can summon another Raidraptor to accompany him on the field! I summon Raidraptor Singing Lanius! I can also special summon Raidraptor Fuzzy Lanius when I have a Raidraptor on my field! I NOW OVERLAY MY TRIO OF TERROR!!! I XYZ SUMMON RAIDRAPTOR RISE FALCON!!!

Mizar: With just 100atk? What's it's ability?

Shay: It can gain the atk of all your special summoned monsters but I'm equipping the spell Raidraptor Symbol onto Rise Falcon which gives my Rise Falcon 500atk!

Rise Falcon 100>>>600atk

Shay: And Now I play the spell Rank Up Magic Revolution Force! I overlay Rise Falcon to build the overlay network and Xyz summon Raidraptor Blaze Falcon!

Girag: My Fire Hand is still stronger!

Shay: I activate Blaze Falcon's effect! I detach an overlay unit and destroy your Fire Hand and you take 500 points of damage!

Girag 4000>>>3500LP

Girag: NOW FIRE HAND'S ABLITY ACTIVATES!!! Since it was destroyed, it can destroy a monster on your field and then summon an Ice Hand straight from my deck!

Shay: What!?

Jack: Not good

They watch as Shay's Blaze Falcon helplessly screeches as it meets its demise.

Shay: Now my Raidraptor Symbol from earlier activates! When Blaze Falcon is destroyed while the equip target was an overlay unit, I can summon back the equip target and Raidraptor Symbol becomes an overlay unit for the monster!

Mizar: So, your Rise Falcon returns to your field. Interesting

Shay: I end my turn with a facedown card!

Mizar: I DRAW! I activate Nebula Dragon's effect from my hand! I can summon it and another level 8 dragon from my hand! So, I'll choose to summon Nebula Dragon and Galactic Spiral Dragon! Now I overlay my two level 8 dragons to build the overlay network! I XYZ SUMMON RANK 8, NUMBER 107 GALAXY EYES TACHYON DRAGON!!!

Girag: Now I activate my trap card Rocket Hand! I can equip it onto my Ice Hand, and it gains 800atk!

Ice Hand 1400>>>2200atk

Shay: I activate the trap Raidraptor Readiness! Rise Falcon can't be destroyed by battle this turn!

Mizar: that's fine, you're still taking damage! Galaxy Eyes will now declare battle with your Rise Falcon!

Shay: AAAAAAH!!!

Shay 4000>>>1100LP

Shay drops into a kneel as Mizar sets a card from his hand.

Mizar: I end my turn. Make your move.

Jack: Are you alright?

Shay: I'll be fine, just make the most of your turn.

Jack nods and places his hand on his deck.

Jack: I DRAW! I summon Red Resonator! Which allows me to summon another level 4 or lower monster from my hand and I choose Red Sprinter! Now I tune level 4 Red Sprinter with level 2 Red Resonator! I synchro summon level 6 Red Wyvern!

Girag: I activate Rocket Hand's other effect! By sending it to the graveyard and making Ice Hand's atk 0, I can destroy a card on the field, and I choose your Wyvern!

Jack: I activate Wyvern's ability in response! I can destroy a monster on the field that has higher attack points! So, I'll destroy your Galaxy Eyes!

Mizar: So predictable...I activate the trap Tachyon Galaxy Spiral! Now my Galaxy Eyes is immune to your effects and can't be destroyed this turn!

Jack growls as his Wyvern is destroyed.

Ice Hand 2200>>>0atk

Jack: Since I don't have any monsters on the field, I can special summon Crimson Resonator from my hand! Now I activate the spell Monster Reborn! I return my Wyvern to the field! NOW I TUNE MY LEVEL 6 WYVERN WITH MY LEVEL 2 CRIMSON RESONATOR! I CALL FORTH THE FLAMES OF MY VERY SOUL! LEVEL 8, SCARLIGHT RED DRAGON ARCHFIEND!

Mizar: Impressive monster indeed.

Jack: I now activate Scarlight's effect! any monster on the field with equal or less atk than my dragon is now instantly destroyed and you two take 500 damage for each monster destroyed!

Shay looks at Jack with shock.

Shay:(He's leaving me defenseless...)

Girag 3500>>>2500LP

Mizar 4000>>>3000LP

Girag: When Ice Hand is destroyed, I can summon a Fire Hand from my deck, and I'll bring it forth in defense mode!

Jack: I end my turn with 2 facedowns!

Girag: I DRAW! I summon Magic Hand! I now overlay my two level 4 hands to Xyz summon!!! RANK 4, NUMBER 106 GIANT HAND!!!

Shay: (Another number over 100? And so far the highest number we've seen is 107, does that mean there's 7 of these guys? If so, only 3 are accounted for. These two and this Alito guy they're looking for...)

Shay begins looking around to see if there's anyone else nearby and he spots a group of familiar faces approaching with dueldisks.

Shay: Guys! Behind you!

Kite and Yusei look to see the group approaching and Kite takes up his dueling position.

Kite: I'll handle these guys, get (Y/n) and Crow out-

More duelists show up and surround them, including the current duel.

Mizar: Who are these people!?

Shay lowers his dueldisk as hooded duelists join their duel and snicker sinisterly.

Shay: The ones that took your friend...

Mizar: So, he was telling the truth. I apologize for harming your friend over my foolishness...

Girag: It's time we even the odds!

A bright flash of red-light blinds everyone briefly and two figures stand battle ready.

Mizar: Welcome to Earth Vector and Dumon.

Vector: I see we have some people to set straight.

Vector begins to laugh as he sets his dueldisk to also join the duel.

Dumon: Then let's finish this quickly




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