A Day to Remember

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You wake up and stretch before looking around your room. You get out of bet and get dressed into your usual outfit. You were surprised to step out into the living room to see the others trying to take care of two familiars faces.

Shay: there you are

You: Kite!? Shay!? What happened!?

Shay: we were looking for the others when we crossed paths with Sarah and some goons

You: so they're here already?

Yusei: who is?

Everyone looks to see Yusei and the twins walking in from the garage.

You: The Ritual Dimension is destroying themselves in a civil war and they're trying to repair their home but the way they're going about it is wrong and it's leaving a lot of destruction behind.

Yusei: sounds like you guys have your hands full, is that why you came here? You needed help?

You: actually, no...that's not why we're here but we could use all the help we can get

Akiza: if you didn't come here for our help, then why did you-

You: We came here to protect you guys.

Jack: protect us?

You: they've come here with the goal of making you guys their brainwashed goons

Crow: Then we'll send them packing!

Yugo yawns and stretches as he walks out of his room with Rin following close behind.

Yugo: what are you guys on about?

Yusei: we have trouble looking for us

Yugo: don't we always?

Crow: yea and we've always come out on top, these guys are nothing!

You: yea, nothing like you've ever faced before. Don't underestimate them.

Akiza: Does that mean we can't go to the mall today?

You: huh?

Yusei: we were all going to go hang out at the mall tonight

You: sounds like fun, so when do we go?

Shay: what?

You: we just have to keep our guard up and stick together. Let's go hangout

Kite stands up and puts his jacket back on.

Kite: alright then, let's go now

Shay sighs but stands up.

Shay: alright, let's go

You: I presume you guys don't have extra duel runners?

Yusei: actually, we still have yours in the garage from your last visit

You: Hell yea!

You follow Akiza to the garage and she points to your Duelrunner with a smile as you run over to it and take the tarp off of it.

You: it's...clean?

Akiza: yea, I've been taking care of it for you

You look to Akiza who as now right next to you.

You: you have?

Akiza: yea, I figured you'd come back (Y/n). It was only a matter of time.

You blush a little and break the eye contact so Akiza giggles and holds onto your arm.

You: yea, I apologize for not visiting, I tried-

Akiza: it's ok, I understand

You pull Akiza into an embrace which she quickly returns.

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