Wrath of The Barians

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Figure 1: I draw! I summon Ancient Gear Wyvern! I use it's ability to add Ancient Gear Golem to my hand and then I activate the spell Ancient Gear Fusion! I fuse my Golem with the Ancient gear Frame in my hand! I fusion summon Ancient Gear Howitzer in defense mode! I now use it's effect to deal the bird brain over there 1000 points of damage!

Shay: Damn...

Girag: I don't think so!

Figure 1/Shay/Jack: huh!?

Girag: I detach 1 overlay unit so Giant Hand can negate your monster's effect!

Figure 1: ggrr...

Shay: You...protected me?

Girag: We were wrong to attack you and your friends and now we'll make these goons pay for taking Alito!

Figure 1: I'll then have my Wyvern attack you directly bird boy!

Jack: Not if I activate my Battle Fader's effect from my hand! If you attack directly, I can summon Battle Fader to my field in defense position and end your battle phase!

Figure 1: I end my turn with a facedown!

Figure 2: I draw! I activate Polymerization! I fuse my partner's Wyvern with my Reactor Dragon and Ancient Gear Golem to fusion summon Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem! Now it's time to finish you Bird Brain!

Shay: I banish Raidraptor Readiness from my graveyard to negate any damage this turn!

Figure 2: then you survive this turn. I'll end my turn!

Mizar: And now you won't survive mine! I draw! NOW GO, BARIAN BATTLE MOORRRRPH!!!

Mizar's body glows a dark, deep red as it transforms to a yellow body with markings on it and a Red like gem on his chest.

Mizar: I NOW ACTIVATE THE SPELL RANK UP MAGIC THE SEVETH ONE!!! I revive my Tachyon Dragon from the graveyard and use it to build the overlay network! APPEAR CHAOS NUMBER 107: NEO GALAXY EYES TACHYON DRAGON!!!

A three-headed dragon with a shining golden body appears and roars.

Mizar: I let me borrow your monsters!

Girag and Jack nod and Mizar point up at his dragon to continue.

Mizar: I tribute Scarlight Red Dragon Archfiend and Giant Hand to activate Tachyon Dragon's special ability! It can now attack 3 times this turn! I then also use one overlay unit to activate it's other effect! All other cards on the field are now negated and can't activate their effects!

Figure 1: damn!

Figure 2: this is unreal


Figure 1 2000>>>0LP

Figure 2 2000>>>500LP


Figure 2 gets hit with Tachyon's attack and collapses onto his back.

Dueldisks: Intrusion penalty, 2000LP!

Mizar and the others turn and look to see 2 females and a fiend like creature standing before them.

Mizar: and who are you

Sarah: I'm Sarah, I'm here to take care of you vermin personally

She smiles as she activates her dueldisk.

Sarah 4000>>>2000LP

Sarah: I draw! I summon Galactic Sorceress to my field! When summoned, I can summon a level 3 or lower Galactic monster from my deck and I summon Galactic Soldier! When my Soldier is special summoned, I can add a "Galactic" spell from deck to hand! I'll add the ritual spell Galactic calling! But Now I activate it! I sacrifice my level 3 Galactic Sorceress and level 3 Galactic Soldier to ritual summon level 6 Galactic Defender!

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