Rising Souls

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You: Where are the others!?

Yusei and Akiza avoid eye contact with you as you get to your feet.

Yusei: They're still fighting the attackers at the mall and then the people from Ritual showed up.
You walk past Yusei and head towards the mall but Akiza tries to stop you.

Akiza: (Y/n) wait!

You feel her grab your arm and pull away.

You: Back off!

Yusei and Akiza freeze to your sudden temper and you sigh.

You: I'm going back to the mall to make sure the others are ok with or without you.

Yusei and Akiza give in and follow you back to the mall. Once you arrive you turn the corner to see the parking lot is in complete ruin with police sirens blaring and a few helicopters surveying the area. You see your attackers had teamed up with the others to take on a common foe and you begin to sprint to try and aid them.

You: GUYS!

The others spot you as Kite speaks up.

Kite: What are you doing here!?

You: I'm here to-

Yubel: Long time, no see (Y/n). How's your recovery going?

Yubel slowly descends into your path and you hop a step back and raise your dueldisk.

Yubel: Oh? You want a rematch?

You activate your dueldisk which causes her to laugh as you look in confusion.

Yubel: Oh, you won't be dueling me just yet. You'll have find me in the Ritual Dimension if you want another duel with me but why don't you keep him company Electra?

You watch as the blue haired girl walks over to Yubel's side and activates her dueldisk.

You: wait, I know you!

Electra: Yes, indeed you do. Now let's get this show on the road.

You activate your dueldisk as Electra smiles at you.

Dueldisk: action cards disbursed.

Electra: You can have the first move so don't bore me.

You look over your hand to see you have Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon, Odd Eyes Persona Dragon, Odd Eyes Synchron, God-Eyes Phantom Dragon, and Monster Reborn.

You:(It's good to see God-Eyes but I can't summon it just yet and she's from the ritual dimension...I can only do one play) I set the scale with scale 1 Odd Eyes Persona Dragon and Scale 6 Odd Eyes Synchron! I pendulum summon Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon in defense mode! Your move

Electra: I draw! I activate Drytron Fafnir. When Fafnir is activated, I can add any Drytron spell from my deck to my hand and I choose the ritual spell Meteonis Drytron! I'll send Drytron Zeta and Gamma to Ritual Summon Drytron Meteonis Draconids! Now my Draconids will attack your Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon!

You: I activate Mirage Dragon's ability to prevent his destruction once this turn!

Electra: Hmm, fine. I'll end my turn

You: I draw!(Nice, Odd Eyes Minotaur) Now I-

Electra: I activate my Draconids' ability! I banish Zeta and Gamma from my graveyard to send your Odd Eyes Synchron and Odd Eyes Persona Dragon to the graveyard!

You: What!? My Pendulum Scale...

Electra laughs as she stares at you.

Electra: What's wrong? defenseless without your precious pendulum scale

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