A Day of Training

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You were once again standing toe to toe with Yubel but this time you were trying to protect Lulu and Ally from the fiend opposing you.

Yubel: did you learn nothing from our last duel? You can't defeat me, now step aside and hand over the girls.

You: You're going to have to make me.

Yubel sets her dueldisk.

Yubel: so be it.

You turn your dueldisk on and draw your 5 cards.

You/Yubel: DUEL!

Yubel: I set 2 cards facedown and end my turn!

You: I draw! I'll kick this off by setting the scale with scale 4 Odd Eyes Dissolver and Scale 8 Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon! Now my dragons level 5 through 7 can swarm the field! I PENDULUM SUMMON LEVEL 5 ODD EYES PERSONA DRAGON, LEVEL 7 ODD EYES ARC PENDULUM DRAGON, AND LEVEL 7 ODD EYES PHANTOM DRAGON! Now I summon Level 2 Odd Eyes Synchron! I TUNE LEVEL 5 ODD EYES PERSONA DRAGON WITH LEVEL 2 ODD EYES SYNCHRON!!! My will to fight boils deep within until it forges a bright new future! I SYNCHRO SUMMON LEVEL 7 ODD EYES METEORBURST DRAGON!

Yubel: chaining Synchro summoning off Pendulum?

Ally: And he's far from done!

You: When Meteorburst Dragon is summoned, I can also call forth a monster in my pendulum scale to the field so JOIN THE BATTLE ODD EYES DISSOLVER! Now I use my Dissolver's effect! I can fuse it with Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon in my pendulum scale! NOW UNITE AND BRING FORTH MY NEW CUTTING EDGE OF BATTLE! ODD EYES VORTEX DRAGON! Next I use level 7 Odd Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon with level 7 Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon to build the overlay network! I XYZ SUMMON THE DRAGON THAT FREEZES OVER EVERYTHING! RANK 7, ODD EYES ABSOLUTE DRAGON!

Yubel: very nice.


Yubel: I play the trap Mirror Force! Now all your monsters are destroyed!

You: Not if I use my Vortex Dragon's effect! By shuffling Odd Eyes Mirage Dragon back into my deck, I can negate and destroy Mirror Force!

Yubel smiles which alerts you but it's too late.

Yubel: Humans are so easy to bait, NOW I PLAY MY OTHER TRAP!

You: Baited!?

Yubel: It's the trap Crackdown! I get to take control of one of your monsters and I choose your Xyz monster!

Your eyes widen as your strongest dragon turns against you.

You: damn...I end my turn.

Yubel: I DRAW! My dragon will destroy your Vortex Dragon! 

You 4000>>>3700LP

Yubel: I set 2 more cards and end my turn.

You: I draw! I switch my Meteorburst Dragon to defense mode.

Yubel: I draw! I activate both of my facedowns! One is Hyber Blaze and the other is Awakening of the Beasts! Now I tribute your dragon to summon my Dark Summoning Beast

You: My Dragon's effect activates! When it's sent to the graveyard, I can special summon another Odd Eyes monster from my deck or extra deck! So I'll summon Odd Eyes Lancer Dragon from my deck!

Yubel: that's nothing compared to what I have in store for you

You: You're going to summon one of the beasts

Yubel: I tribute my Dark Summoning Beast to activate it's effect! and special summon Raviel, The Lord of Phantasms!!!

You:(that's 1...)

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