A Semifinals Welcoming

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Your eyes widen to hear the group that took Kite plans to use Synchro Dimension to build a personal army.

Yuya: so they'll turn our friends against us

Kite: yes, which is why we need to hurry and help.

Yuto: but what about Duel Academy? If we leave, they'll be defenseless

Yuri: I'll stay here with the others, you guys go ahead

Sora: No need Yuri, I'll handle things here

Yuri looks to see Chazz, Sora, Zane, Alexis, and Sebastian smiling to him.

Zane: go get them Yuri, we'll keep Duel Academy safe while you go protect others and search for Celina.

You:(Celina is missing!? That's why I haven't seen her)

Yuri nods before turning to Kite.

Yuri: I'll be tagging along then.

Kite nods.

Kite: so that means Sylvio, Shay, Yuto, Yuya, Yuri, (Y/N), Shark, Jaden, and I will be going to the Synchro Dimension! When I transport us there, we're most likely going to be separated so be careful.

Everyone nods right before Kite's dueldisk blinds everyone with a bright blue shine. You close your eyes and cover them with your arm until the light fades and when you open your eyes, you find yourself in an alley way by yourself. You hear a large crowd cheering and a commotion so you follow the sound to a street leading into a giant parking lot outside the duel stadium.

You: haven't been here in awhile, well. I better hurry and find the others. This would be the perfect place to find Yugo and the rest of the team.

You run to the stadium and sneak past security until you make it into the bleachers. you sit down to blend in just in time for the announcer to speak.

Announcer: HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Now it's the moment you've been waiting FOOORRR!!!

The crowd's cheers shake the stadium as the Announcer continues.


You watch as your two friends race to the start line.

Crow: let the best duelist win.

Yugo: you already know your birds are gonna get plucked out of the sky by my Clear Wing!

Crow: don't you know your Dragon is going to be outnumbered in this aerial battle!?

Yugo: Clear and I can handle anything you throw our way!

Announcer: LET THE BATTLE-

Yugo/Crow: BEGIN!

Yugo and Crow slam on the gas and jet off through the track as the crowd cheers. Yugo makes it around the turn faster than Crow so Yugo smiles over his shoulder at his opponent.

Yugo: looks like I get the first move so I'll kick this off with a monster! Since my field is empty, I can special summon Speedroid Terrortop from my hand! When Terrortop is special summoned, I get to add another Speedroid from my deck to my hand! I'll add Speedroid Tri-Eyed Dice! Now I'll summon Tri-Eyed Dice to the field. I NOW TUNE LEVEL 3 SPEEDROID TERRORT TOP WITH LEVEL 3 SPEEDROID TRI-EYED DICE! I SYNCHRO SUMMON,LEVEL 6 HI-SPEEDROID KENDAMA!!!


Yugo: Now I use Kendama's effect! I banish Speedroid Terrortop from my graveyard to deal you 500 points of damage!

Terrortop appears like a ghost and floats into Kendama right before it blasts Crow with a yellow beam of light. Crow's Duelrunner sways a little but stays up right.

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