The Fall of Maiami City

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A few days have gone by as the once beautiful home to The Lancers has been reduced to rubble, drowning in silence that's broken by the sounds of a distant battle. Celina and Gong were currently heading towards the commotion as quickly as they could while being sure to watch their surroundings for more enemies.

Gong: Gong wonders if Sora and the others will be ok until we get there.

Celina: Have a little faith, Sora is a pretty strong duelist and the other three came a very long way since this war started.

Gong: Gong supposes you're right.

They finally turn the corner of a leveled bookstore to see Sora, Kit, Dipper, and Julia finishing off their duels. 

Gong: Sora!!!

Sora: Huh? What took you guys so long!? Declan sent you guys 20 minutes ago!

Celina: It's not easy navigating this wasteland, ya know.

Suddenly a man in some kind of samurai armor appeared upon a rooftop alongside another mysterious figure with golden armor.

The Samurai: So, these are The Lancers who are giving our men so much trouble? They can hardly get along.

The Golden King: Yes, they're a rowdy bunch but don't underestimate them. That Yuya Sakaki and his friends gave me a bit of trouble in The Synchro Dimension.

Sora: You guys ran into Yuya?

Gong: You snakes, what did you do to Yuya and the others?

The Golden King: You should be more worried about making it to see tomorrow Lancer...

A squadron of 6 hooded figures appeared beside them as they all chuckled.

The Samurai: Let's see what you're made of.... warriors of the pendulum dimension.

Dipper, Julia, and Kit all step up and activate their dueldisks.

Dipper: We can handle these guys on our own and I'll kick this off by summoning Constellar Algedi and with her special ability I'm also allowed to bring forth Constellar Kaus to give her some company! Now I activate Kaus' special ability, I can increase or decrease a Constellar's level by 1 twice per turn so I'll make Algedi and Kaus level 5! Next I'll activate the spell Constellar Star Chart and now I'll build the overlay network and Xyz summon Rank 5 Constellar Pleiades! That triggers my spell which lets me draw a card!

Dipper takes his draw as everyone watches in earnest as he smiled. 

The Samurai: So you're an Xyz summoner.

Dipper: You better believe it because I'm one of the best there is but for now I'll set a card to finish off my turn. Your turn Kit!

Dipper turned to see Kit was already drawing a card.

Kit: Don't need to tell me twice Dipper! I summon XX-Saber Boggart Knight! I now use Boggart's special ability to summon XX-Saber Fulhelmknight! And now that I control 2 X-Sabers, I'm now allowed to summon XX-Saber Faultroll! Now I tune level 4 Boggart Knight with Level 3 XX-Saber Fulhelmknight! I synchro summon level 7 X-Saber Souza! I then use Faultroll's ability to resurrect my Fulhelmknight from the graveyard! Now my Fulhelmknight will use his special ability to revive my Boggart Knight! I tune my level 6 Faultroll with level 3 Fulhelmknight! I synchro summon the top dog of this fight! Level 9 XX-Saber Gottoms! Now I use the spell one for one and send the XX-Saber Darksoul from my hand to the graveyard to special summon XX-Saber Ragigura from my deck! Ragigura's effect will now add Faultroll back to my hand from my graveyard. Now I activate Faultroll's effect from my hand and summon him once again!

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