Duel Academy

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You wake up and blink a few times to see the night sky.

You: ugh...Deja Vu...

You sit up and look around to see your on the shore of an island. There was also a building a little ways away so you decided to get up and walk towards it. You got closer to see it was a 2 story building that was slightly run down. You were about to keep approaching it but somebody got in your way.

You: hmm?

???: Your not from around here, who are you and why are you here?

You: I was pulled through a vortex and then I woke up on shore.

???: hmm...is that so?

You: yes.

???: I highly doubt a random person as yourself would just turn up within a few days of the attacks on our students!

You: attacks?

???: don't play dumb, I know you're a part of the group! So put on your dueldisk so I can put an end to you

You: but-

He ignores you and sets his dueldisk so you growl and do the same.

You/???: LET'S DUEL!!!

You: I set the scale with scale 4 Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon scale 8 Odd Eyes Arc Pendulum Dragon! Now I can summon as many level 5 threw 7 monsters as I want! I PENDULUM SUMMON ODD EYES PERSONA DRAGON!!!

???: pendulum summon!?

??? 2: ZANE!!!

You both look to see Jaden and Alexis standing there but they didn't seem to recognize you.

Zane: I found one of them and they have a new way to summon monsters too

Jaden and Alexis look at you with shock and awe as you continue.

You: I end my turn

Zane: I DRAW! I play the spell card polymerization and fuse the 3 Cyber Dragons in my hand into one! I FUSION SUMMON CYBER END DRAGON!!!


You: I USE ODD EYES PERSONA DRAGON'S EFFECT! Now your special summoned monster loses it's effects!

Zane: Won't matter because Cyber End Dragon will blast your dragon away! Go Strident Blast!


You slam into a tree and land on your feet before crumbling to your knees.

You 4000>>1200LP

Zane: Now that your dragon is gone I'll activate De-Fusion! I now split my Cyber End Dragon back into the monsters used to summon it!

You: when an Odd Eyes Monster I control is destroyed, I can special summon another Odd Eyes from my deck! I'll special summon Odd Eyes Dissolver from my deck in defense mode!

Zane: grr.. I can't get over his monster's defense. I'll end my turn with a facedown!

You: My turn, DRAW!

You stand back up as you smile at your new card.

You: I activate the field spell Sky Iris!

Jaden, Alexis, and Zane look up in shock at the glowing vortex that opens in the sky.

You: I use it's effect to destroy Odd Eyes Phantom Dragon to add another Odd Eyes card from my deck to my hand!

The vortex strikes your card with lightning as you pull a card that was ejected from your deck.

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