Percy, I love you (Pt. 1)

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🛑Warning 🛑: This chapter is for mature readers only!

🛑Warning🛑:This talks about school shootings, blood, and death. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK! 

You have been warned!

(Nico's POV)

I sit at my desk beside Percy. Slowly, I laid my head on his shoulder. I look down at his English paper. I thank Chiron in my head for having the school put me and Percy in the same english class.

"Hey," I whispered.

"What's up," he whispered back and he tapped his pin on the desk.

"Do you need help?"

"Um no, I don't think so." He circled C on the first question.

I point at A acting like I'm helping him read. I whisper, "it's A, baby."

He smiled. "I knew that." Before he could change his answer, a loud shots of a gun rang out.

Mrs. Ella stands up fast. "Everyone in the closet hurry."

Everyone jumps up and runs to the closet. Everyone but Percy, Mrs. Ella, and myself are in the closet. There was only room for one more person. "I need both of you two to squeeze in there."

Two more shots was fired. I shook my head. "I will get into the cabinet that can lock from the inside. I can squeeze my small body in it."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn't. Percy and I have been through so much worse than a school shooting. (Not saying this is a good thing. It's still gonna be trauma.) No one in this school would know exactly what we went through even if we gave them every little detail there is. 

Percy spoke up. "There isn't any room in there for two people." 

He grabbed the key's out of Mrs. Ella's hands. He moved her back and shut the door before she could react. He locked the door. He looked at me and kissed my cheek. "Come on, lets hide."

Before we could hide, the door was kicked open. We both ducked down behind the teacher's desk. The gun man had all black clothes on, he had a black beanie on and a black ski mask on. I looked at Percy out of the side of my eye to see him hitting his teal watch three times.

The guy looked around. We kept down not wanting the guy to see us. When the guy left the room. We slowly and quietly made our way to the closet. Percy unlocked the cabinet as fast as he could and we got in and locked it. I grabbed Percy's hand. I might be Hades child, but I was still slightly of the dark.

Percy gently squeezed my hand. I moved over to my watch, just remembering that Leo had given it to me this morning as a gift. It was a late birthday gift. I tapped the screen and a couple options came up. I looked up at Percy.

He looked at me. He  whispered as low as he could, "text Chiron and tell him what's happening." 

I nodded and tapped the messaging. I started typing up my message, when there was steps. I moved where the light wouldn't come out of the closet. I kept typing , after I was done I sent it and sent the same message to Sally and told her that we was both safe and we loved her. I went to see if if Chiron's went through and noticed that it didn't. "Babe, it didn't go through."

The foot steps came in here. A gruff voice came from around where the foot steps stopped. "They was in here. We will find them though, don't you worry about that boss."

After a few minutes the foot steps walked away. I got an idea. I looked at Percy and whispered, "do u think I can shadow travel to camp and back without being noticed?"

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now