He can't leave me and a visitor (Pt. 2)

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Warning: This chapter talks about death and near death.

A/N: I wanna give a little background information on the watches. Leo make the watches so whoever has one can be call or messaged. It also has other things it can do but I won't get into it.


Nico and Percy was in school when a school shoot happened. Nico got a bad shot in the chest and Percy got a shot in the chest.


(Will's POV)

I put two of my fingers Nico and Percy's wrists. Percy's pulse was weak but he would make it to Camp. Nico's was really weak and probably wouldn't make it to camp unless dad hurries up.

"Dad you need to hurry!" I slid on some gloves. Nico's wounds couldn't wait til we got to camp. I would have to work here in dad's van. he changed it from a car to a van when we ran out of the school.

"I can't go any faster. Wait, I can fly!" He yelled back at me.

I rolled my eyes and moved Nico's bandages. Making sure I had gloves on. I stuck two fingers into the bullet hole and looked for the bullet. As my left hand was in the bullet would, I grabbed a breathing mask with the other and slid it on him. I turned it on as soon as my two fingers wrapped around the bullet.

"We are here!" Dad yelled as I heard a door slam. 

I pulled out the bullet and started stitching him up. I decided to check his pulse because that was way to close to his heart for my liking. Nothing. I checked again. Nothing. "Dad! Nico doesn't have a pulse!"

I heard the back door of the van open. I started stitching as dad started doing cpr. I could hear someone yelling. When I got done, I checked his pulse. Nothing and he was getting cold. "Shit. Dad we gotta take him him." 

I moved the bed of the van. Once the bed out out, Dad stepped on the side of it and I started pushing it inside. I could hear Hazel crying behind me. Jodie, my sister, ran outside and held the door open for me. I rushed him inside. I prayed to every God and Goddess, I could think off. I payed that they would survive.

-_-_-_- 6 hours later -_-_-_-

I walk into Percy's room and check on him. Everything looked fine and his bullet wounds didn't look like it was infected. I wrote down everything on his chart. I rubbed my face. I look at over at Sally, Paul, and Poseidon. They all got here as soon as they could. They won't leave his side. I smile. I walked over to the cabinet and grabbed three blankets. This room was kinda cold and I didn't want them to be.

I looked over at them. All three of them was asleep. I walked over and covered them up. I went to walk out of the room when I heard Sally's soft voice. "Will?"

I turned back around and walked over to her. "Yes, Mrs. Blofis?" 

She yawned. "Please call me Sally."

"Okay. Sally, is everything alright?" I ask, I picked up Percy's clip board to make sure, I wrote the time down. When, I noticed I did, I put it back on the hanger on the bed.

"Are Percy and Nico going to be okay?" Sally's voice was shaky.

"Well, Percy will. The bullet didn't damage him to much, but Nico we don't know. I made a very risky choice when I look out the bullet in transport. But I don't think he would have made it this long if I hadn't of done it." I was honest. Nico was in a very critical state. I honestly don't think he will made it, but I know Nico is very stronger and if he wants to make it. Then, he will push himself to where he does make it. I don't want to tell her that there is no chance that Nico won't make it, because there is a chance. I just think its really small.

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