Arguments with an accident

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(Nico's POV)

"That's not the point Jackson!" I yelled throwing a pillow at him.

He caught it. "It is the point!"

I gave him a glare. "Why the hell do you talk to her?! After everything she put you and Grover through! Like seriously Jackson!"

"So what?! I knew her in middle school! Yes she was a bitch. Yes I hated her. But you know what people fucking change Nico! You know that! Out of everyone you should know that!" He yelled louder.

I glared at him again. "Yes I know people change! If your referring to the change I made before and after Bianca died then yes I changed. People changed, but you know what. No matter what or how she changed. Look at everything she put you threw!"

"Yeah well guess what! Look at the what the Gods put us threw, but look! We still do everything they ask of us like we are lost fucking puppies!" Percy kept yelling. He shook his head and spoke in a normal voice. "I am not going to let this continue. I am going to leave so both of us can get our thoughts in check. You can have the house. I will go to moms and see them and then get a hotel for the night."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay whatever."

I turned and walked into the bathroom the connected to our room. I shut the door and locked it. I put my hands on the sink and closed my eyes. I heard Percy in the bedroom getting stuff to take with him. A few minutes later, he must of finished what he was getting because he grabbed our duffel bag out of the closet. Once I thought he was doing getting all of his stuff in the bag. I flushed the toilet and washed my hands. 

I walked out of the bathroom and then Percy walked into it. I walked over to the clothes basket of clean clothes and started folding them on the bed. Once Percy finished getting the rest of his stuff, he walked back in here and put it in the duffel bag. Neither one of us said anything. Once he was done, he grabbed his keys off of the beside table on his side. He grabbed his bag and walked over to the bedroom door. He stopped in it.

I ignored him and kept folding the clothes and putting them in their piles. Percy had his back to me. "I love you."

"I love you too." I put one of my shirts in my shirt pile. Even in arguments we tell each other we love each other. We never know when the other one is gonna die and we if one of us would happen to die. We would want them to know that they was loved.

I heard Percy walk out of the room down the hall and out the front door of our apartment. I sighed and grabbed a regular bag and threw in some spare clothes. I grabbed the rest of the things I would need for the night and then put them in a another bag and slid it into the original one. I then grabbed my sword and the sword belt from beside my bed and put them on. I walked over to the basket and finished what I was doing in the first place.

Once I was finished I walked into a shadow and shadow traveled to my old cabin at Camp Half-Blood. When Percy and I got our apartment we started to not stay at camp during the night. We only keep little things here now. We took all of our main stuff into the apartment so that we would have them when we needed it.

I set my bag on my old bunk. I then looked around. The cabin was empty besides the little stuff here and there. Hazel didn't stay here anymore and neither did I. If Hazel came to Camp she would just stay the night at Percy and I's place. That's when we all would catch up.

I walked out of my cabin and walked towards the Big House. Campers was giving me weird looks, but I didn't care. I haven't been here by myself for a while and I kind of liked it. I held my head high as I walked. Once I got to the Big House I knocked on the door.

"Come in," Chiron's voice came from inside. 

I walked in and yelled. "Where are you at Chiron?"

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now