Our last conversation

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(Nico's POV)

I gave Chiron a seriously look while Percy busted out laughing. "Percy!"

Chiron laughed a little and put the picture away. "Sorry Percy."

"Wait," I turned back to Chiron. "How did you even get that picture?! That was like when I first got to camp. Like I just rose the dead first came."

Chiron smiled. "I have my ways. I also have a picture of when Percy just got here."

Percy's eyes went wide. "I wanna see!"

I couldn't help but laugh. "You really wanna see that?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I wanna see how much I changed."

Chiron put the picture of me back into the photo album. He flipped through it before he found a picture and took it out. (Please ignore the beads. I couldn't find another picture as much as I like this one.)

"That's an amazing picture!" Both Percy and I said at the same time. All three of us started laughing.

Will ran up the steps. "Chiron, we have a problem."

Chiron, Percy and I looked at Will. Chiron spoke up. "What's wrong, my boy?"

"Silena Beauregard's dad is here. He's asking to see her." Will said, panting from running.

"Wait, Silena died during the battle of Manhattan. Does he not know that?" I said looking at Percy and Chiron.

"He should know by now. It's been 5 years. The Gods was supposed to get a hold of their own child's parent to let them know what happened." Percy said. Percy's face hardened. "They didn't fucking do it. "

Chiron rubbed his face. "Let me go talk to him. I am the director of camp. I should have been the one to do it."

"I help enough to be the director so I am gonna go talk to him with you." Percy said.

"I'll come with so if something happens I can help." I said.

Will nodded. "Okay come on. He is at the boarders. Kaylee, my sister, is talking to him now. I told him that I had to come get you because I couldn't give that kind of information out. I may be some kind of a doctor here but that doesn't mean I can give the information out."

"Why don't you guys get on my back. I can gallop us there, it will be faster." Chiron said. 

We all climbed onto his back as he galloped over to Kaylee and Silena's dad. I grabbed Percy's hand when I noticed he was clinching and unclinching it. I looked at him. He looked like he was gonna rip it away, but when he noticed who it was he didn't.

"Hey its gonna be okay." I told him.

"I can't believe over the last five years, they have no informed any of the parents about the death of their children. It pisses me off. It's the least they can do. They are the reason they are dead. If they would have helped more," Percy kept going, but I stopped him.

"I know they should of helped more. The past is in the past. There is nothing we can do, all we can do is move on from it and do what we can now to help." I said. I used my thumb to rub the back of his hand.

He nodded. "I understand that, but-"

I know he was gonna say more, but we had arrived at the borders so he shut up. 

Chiron stopped when he reached the boarder. "Elijah, how are you?"

Will, Percy, and I slid off of Chiron's back. Silena's dad gave him a smile. "Chiron, Its been to long!"

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now