(Percy's POV)
"Nico, you need the sun!" I groaned and I pulled on his ankles.
"No!" Nico gripped the bars on my bed tighter. "I need darkness!"
"I will buy you McDonald's!" I yelled.
"Okay." Nico let go off the bar. I didn't realize what he had done until I yanked him again and he was yanked off the bed. "Hey, what the hell babe!"
"I didn't realize you let go!" I yelled helping him up.
"I want two happy meals for this!" Nico huffed.
"As long as your getting your sun then I don't care if you get two happy meals. Hey but can we get them for dinner? We gotta be at lunch because we have a meeting with Chiron after." I wrapped my arms around Nico's waist.
He laid his head on my chest. "Sure I don't care. Also did you hear what that kid is doing?"
"Hmm what one? There is like 400 kids in total just in Camp Half Blood. There is like 700 people total in Camp Jupiter." I kissed his head gently.
"I don't know who they are. I've just heard about them. I wanna say they are a guy but I am not sure, it be a girl, or they could be non-binary. They might not even have a gender. Don't ask me because fuck if I know, but anyways. Apparently, they are going around and making fun of girls who wear what they call "guy's clothing" and guys who wears "Girls clothing"." Nico wrapped his arms around my neck.
"People like that get on my nerves. Clothes are clothes." I kissed Nico's head.
"Mhm me too." Nico went quiet and so did I.
A horn in the distance went off to signal its time for lunch. Nico and I didn't move. Everyone was gonna be rushing over to the Mess Hall. "I love you, Nico."
"You better." Nico mumbled. I could tell that there was a smirk on his face.
I unwrapped myself from him and he did the same to me. "Mhm. You better love me too because ya ain't gonna get one one as hot as me."
I turned and walked out of his cabin. I made sure to shake my ass. I heard Nico laughing behind me. I smiled and stopped walking once I got outside of his cabin. After a minute, Nico walked out. He had my hoodie on. I smiled and took his head in mine.
We walked slowly to the Mess Hall. Neither one of us said a word. We was both wrapped into our own thoughts. When we got to my table, (Chiron made it tow where we could sit with whoever we want), I looked at Nico. "Why don't we wear a dress tomorrow?"
A plate of spaghetti and grapes appeared in front of Nico with a fork. He popped a grape into his mouth. "Because of those people?"
I nodded. A blue peanut butter and strawberry jelly appeared on my plate. I nodded. "Thank about it. We basically run camp in a way. Everyone treats us like they treat Chiron. We both know that if we wear a dress they ain't gonna say anything to us right?"
"Lets do it. We should see if the rest of our friends will do it with us." Nico took a bite of his spaghetti.
I ate a bite of my sandwich. I nodded. "That's a good idea. We can talk about it during the meeting."
Nico and I sat around the ping pong table with the rest of the cabin counselors and Reyna. I moved and laid my head on Nico's shoulder and yawned.
Piper looked over at us. "Up to late having sex?"
I shoot up in my seat. Nico and I yelled at the same time, "No!"
Both of our faces were red. I rubbed my face. "We was with my Mom yesterday and didn't leave until 4 this morning."
Chiron walked in and looked at Nico and I. "I don't wanna know why your faces look like tomato's."
"No no you don't." Nico said sending a glares at Piper.
Everyone laughed. Chiron went over and got into his wheelchair form. Once he rolled up to the table he cleared his throat. "Does everyone know why we called this meeting?"
There was a bunch of yes's and no's through out the room. After everyone answered, Chiron nodded. "Does anyone want to explain?"
"I can," Katie spoke up. "There is a couple of three or four people going around making fun off people who are not wearing clothes that are apart of peoples "genders." They are also making fun of people who use different pronouns from what they was born with."
"They have been punished at least three times but it hasn't worked." Conner joined in.
People nodded. I grabbed Nico's hand under the table when I noticed his leg started bouncing. He gave me a gentle smile. He looked over at Chiron. "Can't we suspend them from Camp for a little while?"
Chiron sighed. "In order to do that they have to have at least one summer worth of training. I looked it up and none of them have had it. They have at least another month before we hit that."
"I know this probably won't help, but Percy and I was talking during lunch. All of us but Chiron basically runs camp. Chiron is the only one that truly does. All of the campers treat us like we run camp. If we wear the "opposite gendered" clothes. They aren't going to say anything." Nico spoke up. "If you guys want we can do that. We can even make our own dresses and stuff or we can go out and buy them."
Everyone nodded. Clarisse spoke up. "We can see if the camp will do it? We could do this for like a week? Wear the other clothes."
"We could also see if the rest of the campers wanna do it." Annabeth jumped up as she spoke.
"We could turn it into a week thing like of like a um what are those things called?" Hazel asked embarrassed.
"Spirit week?" Chiron spoke up.
Hazel's eyes sparkled. "Yeah we can do a spirit week type thing!"
I looked around and everyone was nodding in agreement.
"Wait guys, we might be standing up but that's not gonna change the fact that they was bullying other campers." I used my thumb to rub Nico's hand. "Its not far to them that they was bullied.Trust me it doesn't feel good."
Conner looked at me. He had a look his his eyes. "Have you ever been bullied Percy?"
I nodded, being honest. "Yeah it was before I found out about being a half blood."
I shrugged it off, not wanting to get into it. I felt Nico's eyes on me, but I didn't look at him. "Anyways, guys what are we gonna do about them?"
I sighed in relief when the attention turned off of me. I listened to all of the ideas that was thrown out. None of them sounded the best.
Will's eyes turned to Chiron. "Wait, remember a few weeks ago when we said that if you work hard enough you can finish you summer training early?"
Chiron nodded. "If you was a fast learner and you work hard enough then yes you can. Why?"
Will nodded. "What if we worked them hard enough that they finish it as soon as possible then suspend them?"
"If they worked hard enough, then the earliest we can get them out would be a week 2 weeks tops." Chiron folded his hands. "The only way they would be able to do that is if they worked from the end of breakfast to the end of the campfire. They would only be able to take small breaks and breaks for the meals."
Clarrisse smiled. "We call could work together and get them out!"
Everyone agreed and started forming a plan to hurry and get the bullies out of the camps.
Words: 1343

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)
FanficThis book is fanfiction of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & the Olympians (PJO) and Hero's of Olympus (HOO). It is based on a relationship between Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo. Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo get into a relationship. They go...