(Percy's POV)
"Nico," I wine.
"No." He shoved some mac n cheese in his mouth.
He shook his head. He finished what was in his mouth. Nico waved his spoon as he talked. "If I don't like to be around people. Why would I do a play?"
"Because, I'm doing it and I don't want to do it alone. Plus, I am not kissing anyone besides you." I smiled and gave him puppy eyes.
Nico put more mac n cheese on his spoon. When he was half way point of putting it in his mouth, I leaned over and ate it it. "Hey!"
I ate it and laughed. "Yes?"
Nico gave me a soft glare. "My food. If you want some food get your own, but anyways I'm not doing it. I don't want to, people are nasty."
I put my hand on my hand on my heart and looked hurt. "Ouch my heart. It hurts because I am a people."
Nico rolled his eyes and shoved me off of the bench at my table. I went to grab the table but missed and fell. My head bounced off of the door. I groaned in pain. I felt eyes on me. "Are you okay, Percy?"
I sat up and put my hand on where I hit it. I looked at my hands. "No blood. Just a headache. I'll be fine."
Nico put his hand out. I look it and got up and sat back down. Annabeth ran over to us. "Did you convince him?"
I shook my head. "Not yet. That's when I got an idea. I turned to Nico. I gave the sweetest smile. "Baaaaaaaaaaaaby."
He didn't even look at me. He got a spoon full of mac n cheese. "No."
I stand up. "Fine no kisses."
He laughed. "Your kidding."
I smiled at Annabeth and walked out of the Mess Hall. I kept walking. I heard a bunch move and someone running. I turned my head a little to see Nico running to me with his bowl of mac n cheese. I started running.
"Percy Jackson!" I heard him yell. I heard campers laughing. I turned and run towards the big house. I ran around it and mist traveled to my moms house. I landed on moms couch. I looked at Paul. He screamed. Then my mom ran in with a pot of hot water.She sighed. "Percy, you can't do that. I almost burnt you. Wait, can I burn you with water?"
I think about it for a second. "Um I don't think so. If you do I can just take normal water and heal my self."
Paul cleared his voice. "I forgot you could do that. Also why didn't you use the door?"
That's when I remembered why I came. "Oh, I threatened Nico and now hes trying to kill me."
"Percy Jackson! I raised you better than this! You go apologize!" Mom yelled sternly.
"I didn't threaten to hurt him! I threatened to take away his kisses." I smile at mom sweetly.
"You should still say sorry still. Also we have cookies made. Dinner's almost done if you wanna stay." Moms smiled sweetly.
I went to say something but there was a thump as if Nico shadow traveled inside. That's when I heard his voice, "Mrs. Jack-"
I cut him off but yelling, "I love you Mom and Paul." and mist traveled into my old room. The door was shut so I knew Nico didn't know I was in here.
"Hey Sally. Hey Paul. Did he mention where he was going?" Nico asked.
"No sorry, kiddo." Paul replied. "But he did tell us why he was running. Why did he threaten you like that?"

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)
FanfictionThis book is fanfiction of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson & the Olympians (PJO) and Hero's of Olympus (HOO). It is based on a relationship between Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo. Percy Jackson and Nico di Angelo get into a relationship. They go...