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Warning this chapter contains death.


Sorry it's so short and late. I am trying to work on this while I'm in the hospital and it's not going to well.


(Nico's POV)

I watched Percy laugh. He was petting Blackjack. Tears held in his eyes. I stood in the door way of the stables. I knew in my heart that Blackjack wasn't going to make it. The bullet wound was to deep. Apollo cabin had three different people try and heal him, but it was to late. Not only was the bullet too far away, but it was also infected. 

I silently walked over. I sat down beside Percy. Blackjack laid on his side. His head was on Percy's lap. A tear fell from Percy's eye. I reached over and wiped it off. "He's gonna be okay with my dad."

Percy was silent for a minute and then laughed a little. "Blackjack said as long as he has his donuts he doesn't care where he goes."

I couldn't help but smile. I reached over and pet his head. "I will personally make sure you get lots and lots of donuts."

Blackjack huffed. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Percy. He laid against me petting Blackjack. "You are a good boy Blackjack. Best Pegasus a guy could ask for."

Blackjack's eyes started to get heavy. Silent tears started to fall done both Percy and I's faces. "It's okay, buddy. You can go now. Don't worry about me."

Blackjack huffed weakly. Percy nodded. "You can always call me Boss. As much as I hated that nickname. You can call me that. No one else will be able too."

Blackjacks eyes shut. I felt his soul leave his body. Percy looked at me. More tears fell down my face as I nodded. "He is gone Percy. I am so sorry."

Percy let out a heart broken sob. I wrapped my arms around him as we cried for the lost of our friend. He was more of a best friend to Percy, but we was still close. We held each other and cried. We didn't leave anything in. I wish there was something I could have done, but there wasn't anything.

We cried until there wasn't anything left in us. Percy ended up crying himself to sleep. Gently I stood up with him in my arms. I put a hand on Blackjack's head. I hated to feel the warmth of the Pegasus slowly go away. My voice crackled as I spoke. "I, Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, allow Pegasus, Blackjack into the underworld as soon as possible. He is to go straight into judgement."

Slowly, Blackjack's body slowly seeped into the ground. I walked towards the cabins with Percy still in my arms. I prayed to the Gods that this was only a dream and it wasn't reality. I hate this. I hate all of this. Blackjack didn't deserve to be shot at. He didn't deserve to die either. 

I walked into my cabin and laid Percy on my bed. I took his shoes and pants off. (He looks to sleep in his boxers and shirt. Sometimes in his socks.) I took off my clothes beside my boxers and threw on one of Percy's shirts. I loved how baggy they are on me. I climbed into the bed and wrapped my arms around him. Slowly I let the tears fall down my face until they eventually took me to sleep.

The next month was rough. Percy didn't leave the cabin and I stayed by his side. The seven (besides Annabeth) would bring us food and tell us how the camp is doing. They understood what was going on. During this time, Annabeth was with her dad and no one could get a hold of her. When she showed up at here at camp for a surprise. I had to tell her about blackjack. She was a wreck. She covered it up better than Percy did though.

After the first month, Percy started going out of the cabin little by little. On about the third month after Blackjacks death, Percy was out of my or his cabin all the time. He was better than he was. I noticed how he was getting stronger and stronger everyday. 

Soon Percy was able to cope with his death and so was I. We both went about our day. We did make a statue of him in honor of him. It stood beside of the stables. Blackjack is truely missed and he always will. Like Percy and I say. He might be gone, but he is never gonna be gone from our hearts and he will always be here with us.


Words: 773

Nico x Percy one shots (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now