Time, time, so little time

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*AU where you have a clock on your wrist counting down the time till you meet your soulmate and once you meet them the clock starts counting down the time until you die*

TW: Death

Alice Spencer sat on the edge of her bed, staring at her wrist in anticipation. 2 hours and 43 minutes. 2 hours and 43 minutes until she met her soulmate. What would they be like? Would they have anything in common with her or would they be completely different? She couldn't believe she was going to meet her soulmate on her first day of high school, she felt giddy and excited and extremely nervous. She got up and started getting ready for school, putting on her favorite dress and packing her schoolbag. As she got ready she'd occasionally giggle in excitement. She was going to meet her soulmate today. She smoothed her dress in the mirror and grabbed her bag then made her way downstairs to grab a quick breakfast. Her sister Cathy was sitting at the table already eating a piece of toast. "Yours is in the toaster" She said before taking another bite. Alice grabbed a jar of marmalade from the cupboard and a butter knife from the drawer. "Do you want some tea?" Cathy asked, going over to the stove and taking the kettle off the heat as Alice took her toast out of the toaster. "I don't like herbal tea" Alice responded, slathering marmalade on her toast. Cathy shrugged an "alright" and poured the hot water into her travel mug over an herbal tea bag just as their mom walked into the kitchen. "Good morning girls, oh don't you look fancy today Alice!" She said, grabbing a mug from the cupboard. "Fank yow" Alice said through a mouthful of toast. "Alice don't talk with your mouth full, it's very unbecoming of a young lady" Cathy said and rolled her eyes. Alice gave Cathy a look that said "really?" as she stirred sugar into her tea. She noticed the look Alice was giving her and turned to her. "What." " 'It's very unbecoming of a young lady' what is this 1865?" Alice asked. "Well I figured since you only read books set in 1865 if I use that kind of language you'll understand me better" Cathy said. "Ok Catherine" Alice said, the way one might say "Ok Boomer." "Ok Alice" Cathy said in the same tone of voice. "Oh girls" their mother chuckled, taking a seat at the table. "Now don't bicker, you don't want to be late. Alice, finish eating and Cathy go brush your teeth." "Ok" "Mhn hmm"

"Alice come on we're going to be late!" Cathy said as she honked the car horn. "Coming!" Alice called from the doorway with Dinah in her arms. "Goodbye Dinah" Alice said, kissing the small kittens head and setting her back inside. The car horn honked again as Alice ran out of the house and opened the car door. "Finally, jeez Alice you have no regards for time, some of us don't want to be late" Cathy said, pulling out of the driveway as Alice closed the door and buckled her seatbelt. "Sorry sorry" Alice said, digging through her backpack for her headphones. "I forgot something and I had to get it, it was important." Alice explained. "What could be so important that you had to almost make us late? I thought you finished packing your school bag last night!" Cathy said. "I forgot my uh my notebook" Alice said, running her fingers over what she'd really forgotten, two copies of "Alice in Wonderland." One for her, one for her soulmate. Cathy sighed and shook her head. "You'd forget your head if it wasn't attached to your shoulders." Alice resisted the urge to reference her favorite book and glanced down at her wrist. One hour and twenty minutes left.

"It's so early!! Why do we have to be here!!" Alice groaned to her best friend Tabatha. "That's high school for ya!" Tabatha said before taking a bite of her breakfast pizza. "I just wish mom would let me take the bus! I can't believe I have to be here early just because Cathy starts class at seven fifty." Alice said, laying her head on the table. "Could be worse. At least the cafeteria is open so you can chill in here instead of wandering around campus for an hour." Tabatha said around a mouthful of pizza. "I guess" Alice said. She stared down at her wrist, watching the minutes tick past as Tabatha finished eating. Tabatha wiped her hands and glanced over at Alice. "Hey, whatcha starin at?" Tabatha asked. "How much time you got?" Alice smiled and lifted her head. Her eyes twinkled as she read off the time. "One hour left" Tabatha did a double take. "Woah really? Alice that's great! I'm so happy for you!" Tabatha smiled. Alice giggled. "I'm so excited! I even bought them a copy of Alice in Wonderland" Tabatha nudged Alice with her elbow. "Ah so they'll know what you mean when you say drink me" Tabatha said with a Cheshire grin. Alice went bright red and Tabatha snickered. "Tabatha!" Alice scolded.  "Relax Alice you know I'm only joking" Tabatha said.   "I know I know" Alice said, still red as a rose. Tabatha grabbed her bag and got up. "Come on, I'll show you to your first class." Alice followed Tabatha out of the cafeteria and made her way to her first high school class.

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