First Christmas

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*Modern AU where it's their first christmas as husband and wife*

Alice scrolled through her phone, finding a holiday playlist as Alfred attempted to string the Christmas lights around the tree. She giggled as she heard him fighting with the tree from the living room. "Alfie my love, do you need any help?" she called, turning around to see a tangled ball of lights draped over him. ", no I think I got it" He responded, draping more lights across himself in an effort to find the end of the chord. "Uh actually, this might take a while..." He admitted. Alice giggled and went over to her husband, picking up the end of the string of lights that was behind Alfred on the floor. "My silly rabbit" She smiled and kissed him. "My clever girl" He responded. She smiled and took the bundle of lights off of him. "You start at this end and I'll start at that one, we'll have these untangled in no time." The two of them began the process of untangling the lights, with "have yourself a merry little christmas" playing softly in the background. "Alice are you ready to make this yuletide gay?" Alfred asked. Alice laughed. "Of course, and how do you propose we do so?" Alfred smirked. "I heard there's mistletoe hidden in this house somewhere." "Oh really?" Alice flirted. "Well then I guess we'll have to find it" Alfred winked at her and she laughed, so enthralled with the man she got to spend her life with. The two of them began winding the lights around the tree, making sure the whole tree would be lit, before plugging the lights in. The tree sparkled with little glimmers of red, yellow, blue, pink, and green all over. "Alright, ornaments now?" Alfred confirmed. "Yes!" Alice replied. "I can't wait to see which ones mum sent. I know she sent some of my old ones here but I don't know what she sent." Alice said as she opened the box of Christmas ornaments sitting on the living room floor. "My mum sent my old ones this morning, they may be here in time for Christmas." Alfred joked, getting down to look through the box with Alice. "Oh Alfie look! She kept these!" Alice said, pulling out two foam wreath ornaments with little pictures in the middle. "Oh my god, I always thought my parents threw mine away, those are from kindergarten?" Alice nodded. "I took yours out of the trashcan, I remember you were so upset so I wanted to keep it safe for you, Mum was so confused when she saw your little picture on our tree, but I guess she kept it" Alice marveled. "I remember you glued like 20 pom-poms to yours only to pick them all off as soon as you got home so that you could use them for your dolls" Alfred smiled. Alice laughed. "I don't even remember what I used them for, I just thought they were cool" The two of them just stared at the ornaments that they'd made together so many years ago, looking at the pictures of them as young children. "We've been in each other's lives since then, we were so little" Alice breathed. "I had no idea how lucky I would be to get to spend every day of my life with you" Alfred said. Alice smiled at him, and he smiled back at her. "Cmon love, let's hang these up" she said. The couple took the old handmade ornaments and hung them right next to each other on the very front of the tree. "Perfect," Alice said. Alfred took her hand and spun her around and into him. "Is it too early to just tell you where the mistletoe is?" He whispered. Alice giggled. "Yes because we need to get the tree done first, then I'm going to kiss you all afternoon." Alfred smiled at her as she pulled away and headed back to the box. The couple hung up the rest of the ornaments, some new ones that they'd bought or that had been gifts, some old ones from over the years, until they'd hung them all up, making the tree a pretty sight of various colored balls and baubles and trinkets. "It's so pretty," Alice sighed with a smile. "You're so pretty," Alfred whispered to her, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her neck. "And you're so pretty too my love, now let's go find that mistletoe." Needless to say the couple spent the afternoon cuddling and kissing each other, happy to be together for the holidays.

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