Lazy Mornings

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Alice blinked her eyes open as sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, groaning and stretching her arms out above her. Next to her Alfred still slumbered, his hair all tossled on the pillow, drool coming out of his mouth. Alice smiled to herself. He was adorable, sleeping so peacefully next to her. She felt so lucky to be able to wake up next to him every day, to spend all her days and nights with him, next to him, by his side forever. They'd only been married for about three weeks but to Alice it felt like they'd always been, even though she couldn't quite believe that they really were married. He was her best friend, her white rabbit, her husband, her Alfred, her everything. She turned to him, just smiling as she watched him sleep. He stirred next to her, groaning and throwing an arm over his eyes. 

"Morning sleepyhead" She whispered. 

"Noo it's way too early." He groaned, stretching his arms out and turning to her. 

"Hi" he smiled. 

"Hi" she giggled. 

"What's so funny?" He asked. 

"Your hair" Alice giggled, reaching out and running her fingers through Alfred's bedhead. 

"What about it?" Alfred giggled. 

"You're so cute" She smiled. 

Alfred blushed and rolled over, burying his face in the pillow. "You're pretty cute yourself" He mumbled, causing Alice to blush this time. She stroked his hair for a while, combing out his bedhead with her fingers. After about 15 minutes he groaned and rolled back over to face her. 

"Almost fell asleep again" he said as he sat up and stretched. 

"Aw I'm sorry" Alice giggled as she sat up and stretched as well. 

"S'okay, I'd much rather spend all day cuddled up next to you, but we do have errands to run today" He said, stepping out of bed and heading to the dresser. Alice smiled as she got up and made the bed. 

"Well maybe once we're done with those errands we can get back to it" 

"Oh definitely" Alfred said with a grin as he threw on a shirt. "I'll be counting down the minutes until the end of the day when I can hold you again" 

Alice blushed rose red as she took a dress out of the closet, draping it across the bed and heading over to Alfred, pulling him close by the waist. 

"God I love you" She whispered, feeling his hands on her waist and ass. 

"I love you," He replied. "And I love the way your ass looks in this nightgown" He whispered in her ear, kissing her neck. She giggled. 

"Are you sure those errands can't wait another hour?" She asked. He sucked on her neck lightly before pulling away and tucking her hair behind her ear. 

"I suppose another 45 minutes in bed couldn't hurt" Alice smirked and took his hand, leading him back to bed with her.

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