chapter one

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boruto's pov 

"onii chan, wake upppppp!" 

i wake up to the sound of my little sister, himawari, telling me to wake up. my eyes flutter open, meeting the brightness of my room. i groan, throwing my blanket over me. i then close my eyes again, cherishing the few minutes of sleep i'll still have till tonight. 

"i swear, if you don't wake up i'm going to drag you off this bed, all the way downstairs!" 

somehow, i'm wide awake now. himawari's scary, believe me. when she says she'll do something, i'm 99.99% sure she'll do it. i did NOT feel like being dragged downstairs by my little sister. sorry for being a party pooper, but it's not happening! 

"okay, i'm up hima." i say, running my fingers through my blonde hair. she smiles her little smile and then runs downstairs. everyone says i have a soft spot for himawari. i'll admit it (but don't tell anyone), i really do. she's my little sister, MY hima. as i yawn, i get up. i force myself to fold my blankets, as i run downstairs. i say good morning to my mom and my old man. i then look at the calendar on the kitchen walls. 

"OH CRAP! I HAVE SCHOOL ON MONDAY? WHY DID THE SUMMER GO BY SO FAST? WHA-" i scream. hima places her hand over my mouth. "now, onii chan, i know you're going to love highschool! you'll see sarada, all will be good." 

sarada. my best friend since we were 4. we've been through EVERYTHING together. from falling off of our bikes to drama, you name it. i haven't heard much from sarada this summer, unfortunately. i planned to text her after eating these DELICIOUS pancakes hima and mom made.

don't ask why, but hima's also in my friend group. kind of. she hangs out with us whenever she's available. but since she's not the same age, it happens once in every few days i guess. it's kind of cool having your sister in your friend group. better bonds. 

my friend group consists of sarada, mitsuki, shikadai, inojin, cho-cho, sumire and partially hima. we call each other the 8. just the 8. we've stuck with each other since 2nd grade, while sumire and hima joined the group in 5th grade. 

everyone kept telling me that sarada liked me throughout grade school and middle school, but i never believed it. people want to start rumors, how could i stop it? sarada and i are best friends. yet everyone (minus sumire) shipped us. i'd be lying if i didn't say i enjoyed it. a little. 

maybe i have a tiny crush on sarada? maybe i don't. 

it would be great to be able to call her my girlfriend though. 

chapter one - done!

authors note :

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. 

hey guyss !! mia here. i hope you guys liked this chapter. :))

word count of the chapter : 451 

stay safe!! i love you all. < 3 

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