chapter fifteen

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sarada's pov

i could hear gasps forming around. i broke away from the kiss, my face was a dark shade of red. boruto smirked and i could see the pink on his cheeks. 

"WE NEED TO TELL HIMA!" i hear jin yell. 

"no, i got it on camera! i'll just send it to her," suki replies. sumire glares at me one last time, and leaves. cho-cho runs to me, "that was too smooth." she says. i smile and look at bolt.

what does this mean for us? 

"hey baka," i say, elbowing him. "what was that for though?" i ask. he shrugs. "so sumire could shut up, i guess." 

seriously? that's all? 

i thought it was more than that.. 

"oh." i say. he nods. "sorry if it made you feel awkward.." 

"no, i'm fine with it." i say, holding back tears. "thanks for what you did. i'm going to get to class. bye." i spit out. he waves, and i speed run to class. 

i hated this. he was practically playing with my feelings! we kissed, we cuddled.. 

when will i ever get my happy ever after? 

i hear a ding from my phone. i felt so exhausted, i really didn't wanna talk to anyone right now. i sit down on one of the benches, pulling my phone out. 

cho < 3 

are u ok?

sarada < 3

yeah just needed a break 

cho < 3  

im coming over after school 

sarada < 3

ok c u 

cho < 3 

c u laters

read 8:21 am

"you okay?" i hear someone ask. i raise my head, seeing a boy from one of my classes, named kaito. i shrug. he hands me a water. "you looked like you needed it." 

"thanks kaito." i say, showing him a small smile. he sits down next to me on the bench. "friend problems?" he asks. i nod. "how did you know? are you stalking me?" i ask, lightening up the mood a little. 

"nah. i'm pretty sure everyone saw what happened between you, sumire and boruto." he replies. "sorry, i didn't mean to bring it up.." 

"no, it's alright." i say. he crosses his left leg over his other leg. "if it helps, do you wanna sit with me and my friends at lunch?" he asks. 

"sure!" i say. he smiles and grabs his bag. "i'll see you then, sarada." he says, walking away. 

a lunch with kaito and his friends wouldn't hurt, would it? 

kaito was a sweet guy. straight a's, soccer player goalie. i was partners with him for chem class one day. he balanced out the project really well, and was always straight up about how he felt. when he wasn't comfortable about going to my house, he said so. 

unlike boruto. 

i got up from the bench and headed to homeroom. i walked into class, immediately seeing kaito and boruto. kaito waved to me, and deciding to avoid boruto, i sat next to him. 

"nice to see you again!" he says, smiling. i smile back. "yup. nice seeing you again." 

"oh yeah, my friends and i usually sit at table 4, so i guess you can just go there after 4th period." he adds. i nod. "sounds good!" 

i could see boruto staring at me, and a confused cho-cho. i rolled my eyes at boruto, and waved at cho-cho. she waves back. 

if he's going to play with my feelings, so be it. 

author's note -

hi guys! i hope u liked this chapter :)

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series.

word count of the chapter : 568

stay safe! i love you all so so much. < 3 

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