chapter seven

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boruto's pov

it wasn't my intention for sarada to find sumire and i kissing. 

i don't like sumire in that way! i swear i don't. at first we were just talking, and when sarada opened the closet, sumire KISSED ME! 

i swear. it was like that. swear on my life. 

after sumire and i went back, i think everyone was super mad at me. inojin, mitsuki, and cho-cho shot me the deadliest look that looks can give, while hima didn't even look at me in the eye! and guess what? shikadai literally looked so disappointed, more disappointed than ANYTHING else. 

and there was a crying sarada. in mitsuki's lap. 

"look i can explain," i say looking at all of them. "explain? sure onii chan. even i'm disappointed to call you my onii chan now." hima says. if looks could kill, i'd be dead by now. sumire smirks. 

"did you get what you wanted?" mitsuki says, glaring at sumire. she smiles. "mhm!" cho-cho fake whispers to mitsuki, in a really loud voice, "the AUDACITY of this girl." 

"okay, get mad at me all you want." i roll my eyes at them. "you and sarada are basically doing the same thing mitsuki! so don't even-" 




sarada's been crying? over me? 

the guilt's really starting to pour in. 

"i'll get going now." sumire says, leaving the room. now it's just the original 7. the guilt filled me. i've never felt so guilty in my life. everyone's disappointed in me. shikadai, mitsuki, inojin, cho-cho, and even hima. 

just why didn't i notice? am i really that dense?

"so much for a party." cho-cho softly says. 



"sorry guys," sarada finally says. "if i wasn't so dramatic, we would all still be on good terms." 

"NO! YOU HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO BE UPSET ABOUT THIS!" cho cho practically yells. she eyeballs me. "if someone wasn't so dense, would we be in this situation?"

"cho, don't blame it on him. i shouldn't be so dramatic." sarada says, weakly smiling. she gets up. "sorry suki, is your shirt wet?" 

"just a little. but it's fine." 

"you sure?" 

"positive. wanna get out of here?" 

"yeah. i could really use some fresh air." 

"after you." 

"you can't look me in the eye and say that those two don't have feelings for each other." i add on. inojin rolls his eyes again. "please boruto. if mitsuki had feelings for sarada, unlike you, he'd fess up in less than a week. not everyone's like you." 


"and, don't try to blame this on mitsuki. he's done nothing wrong. he's been there for sarada when YOU HAVEN'T." hima continues. "i'm out of here. cho, let's go find them." 

and then there were 3... 

author's note

heyy! mia here. i hope you enjoyed the chapter!

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. 

yall i posted 3x in a dayy.

again, thank you for #44 in borusara!! <3

stay safe! i love yall so so much.

word count of the chapter : 469 

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