chapter five

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the day of the party 

boruto's pov 

my family pulls up to sarada's house first. hima runs out of the car immediately and runs to the doorbell. she rings it 3 times, and i see sarada open the door. 


she was wearing a black skirt, followed by a navy-blue cropped sweater. did i ever mention how pretty she is? 

"hi hima!" she says, pulling my sister into a hug. hima squeals, "it's been foreverrrr!".  "hi auntie hinata, hi uncle naruto." she says. she pulls hima into the living room as i walk in, keeping my distance. 

"mama said the adults will be partying outside while the kids get the house," she says, glancing at me. "okay! we'll be going outside. yell if you need anything!" my old man says, high-fiving sarada. 

i look at hima, and she instantly starts whispering to sarada, probably filling her in with whatever drama she has. i sit myself down on the couch. just as i'm getting comfortable, the doorbell rings. sarada gets up, running to the door. 

"SUKI!" i hear sarada scream. i look at the door. mitsuki's here? early? those words don't go together very often. i then see sarada pull him into a hug. 

when did sarada start hugging mitsuki? 

i roll my eyes, as sarada and mitsuki walk into the living room. i see sarada lean on mitsuki's shoulder. i hear hima squeal, "awwww, you guys are so cute!" 

"you guys are dating?" i ask. what the heck? when did sarada and mitsuki start dating? i thought we were bros? 

"we aren't." sarada and mitsuki say. i roll my eyes, knowing that they're lying. i then eavesdrop on their conversation. 

"did you eat yet?" mitsuki says in a concerned voice. huh? when did sarada start not eating? what am i missing out on? sarada shakes her head. 

"you have to eat sara." 

"i'm not hungryy." 



sarada goes to the kitchen, grabs a bowl and struggles to reach the cereal box. mitsuki walks over and gets it for her. "thanks suki," she says in a soft voice. "no prob."

i do miss sarada's sweet voice, on top of us. what did i do wrong to deserve this? 

in a matter of time, cho-cho, shikadai, and inojin show up. sumire comes last. it's a little awkward at first, all 8 of us in the living room. 

"to my room?" sarada asks. hima nods, and we all go up to her room. 

"you guys are boring, what do you wanna do?" shikadai says, breaking the silence. "we are not boring!" i shout back, taking a seat on her beanbag. 

"we could do truth or dare," sumire suggests. "okay, are you guys up to it?" hima says, in her devilish voice. 

"i guess." cho-cho says. 

all i know is that this is going to go down in flames. 

authors note :

hey guys! mia here.

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto generations.

thank you guys for all your support on this story! we're currently #44 in borusara, which i'm very grateful for!! <3

i'll try to post twice in a day again :)

if you'd like to, make sure to vote!! (if you don't want to, it's completely fine <3)

stay safe! i love you all so so much.

word count of the chapter : 475  

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