chapter eighteen

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boruto's pov

"guys! i'm being serious! what do we do about her?" i say. shikadai looks at me, concerned. cho-cho eyeballs me, and the two look at each other. "when were you serious about things? i had a whole crisis and you were the one joking around." shikadai says. cho-cho nods. 

"well, it's sarada! she's our friend!" i say. he snickers, "are you sure? i'm your best friend and i don't see you being serious." i groan, and i hear shikadai and cho-cho say in unison, "HE LIKES HER!" 

"whatever. can you guys be serious for once?!" i ask. they all nod. mitsuki clears his throat. "boruto, i think you messed up this time." 

what? i messed up? 

"what do you mean?" i question. he sighs. 

"i think we all know that you and sarada had, or has, feelings for each other. even when i was dating her, i knew she was still in love with you, no matter how many times she said she liked me. when you practically friend-zoned her that day, that's what made her change." 

"mhm," cho-cho says, backing him up. "isn't the timing just a little off to you? she slept over at your house, you guys cuddled, you gave her your hoodie, you called her princess. then you kissed her in front of everyone and stood up for her. after that, you said you were just doing it for sumire to back up. that's when she said she was quote unquote, going to class. but then kaito found her, invited her to lunch, and this is what we have now." 

"but.. i thought she ran away 'cause she didn't like me?" i say, trying to justify my actions. inojin and shikadai let out a sigh, and before i know it, inojin's scolding me and trying to explain it to me, just like mitsuki and cho-cho. 

"come on, boruto! i thought you were smarter than this. you friend-zoned her, made her heart break atleast a couple billion times, and you still don't realize? how long will it take you to realize that she's in love with you, but you keep breaking her heart? if you like her, than SAY SO!" inojin practically yells. 

i finally get it. i genuinely do. 

"i get it," i say, getting up. i hear inojin sigh, "finally!" 

"i'm going to go make things right with her. i promise i will." i say, jogging away. they wave, and i can hear them talking in the background. 

"this feels like a fairytale story. didn't cinderella like get mistreated by her evil stepsisters and then prince charming showed up and made her life all good again?" i hear shikadai say. 

"NO YOU DUMBUS! she got mistreated, but after that dance, she fell in love with him, and so did he. then they had to find her real identity 'cause fairy godmother like pizzazz-ed her or whatever, and yeah.." i hear inojin retort. 

i laugh to myself. 

maybe this is a happy ever after. i'll confess to her, and then everything would go right. i hoped. 

i run faster. 

i needed to tell her how i felt. 

author's note :

heyy! mia here. this chapter was really entertaining to write, so i hope you enjoy it!

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series.

word count of the chapter - 522 

stay safe! i love you guys so so much. <3 

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