chapter four

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[  a few weeks later ] 

boruto's pov

nothing really changed between me and sarada. i still walk her to school, she still gives me the silent treatment... nothing new. 

minus one thing. she gave me a bag filled with my favorite candy and her favorite, a cherry lollipop out of nowhere. 

we really can't ignore each other forever, ya know? 

sakura's pov

first off, WHAT THE HECK!? 

when did sarada and boruto start ignoring each other? what did i miss out? 

even worse, after the first day of school, sarada looks a little more tired than usual, and boruto's all "sad guy". 

"sad guy" - anything brought up of sarada is always a small smile. 

i know for a fact sarada isn't tired because of schoolwork. 

i felt like it was my responsibility to atleast get them to talk to each other, so i decided to force anata to have a big party, inviting all of sarada's friends' family that i know. 

so far we had boruto (of course!), mitsuki, cho-cho, sumire, inojin, and shikadai. meaning their families would come too. 

it's been a long time since i had gossiped with ino. 

sarada's pov 

mama told me there was going to be a party next week on saturday with the 8 and their families. i mean, i love my friends, but i don't think i'm in the mood to see boruto. 

i couldn't tell mama that though. 

high school is a whole drama department with my friends. we haven't hung out with the full group. usually i'd hang out with cho-cho, mitsuki, and inojin to avoid boruto. i still talk to shikadai and sumire, just not as much as them. 

sumire's been mad at me ever since the first day of school, which is probably why she hangs out with boruto more than me. 

mitsuki, inojin, and shikadai are neutral, while cho-cho's always siding with me. it feels good to know one person's always there for you, you know? 

also, you should be proud of me. i gave boruto his favorite candy plus one of mines. i felt like i had to give it since i was feeling a little guilty. 

but truly, i do miss my one best friend. 

boruto's pov

i heard my phone beep and saw it was from sumire. sumire's a great friend and all, but it's so weird texting her. i only text 3 people. shikadai, mitsuki and sarada. 

now it's only shikadai. and mitsuki. now sumire, to her request. 

(sumire and boruto's text messages) 

sumire from school 

hey bolt! 



yeah. i heard sarada call you that and it sounds nice! 

oh. okay. what's up?

nothing, i was just bored.

read 1:03 pm

how do i say i don't want someone to call me bolt other than sarada in the nicest way possible? 

author's note:

hey guys, mia here! i hope u enjoyed this chapter.

i do not own the naruto / boruto series. 

word count of the chapter: 471 

stay safe! i love you all so so much! <3

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