chapter fourteen

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sarada's pov

i got ready for school, wearing boruto's hoodie and leggings that i borrowed from hima. last night was probably the best night ever..

i knew my feelings for boruto were growing, but i don't know about him. one day we're friends, the next we're flirting. 

it's whatever. 

i check my phone, and as i dreaded, hima and sent the picture of boruto and i to the groupchat. 

the 7


*one attachment* 

aren't they so cute?

cho < 3 



why would u send it in the gc with them in it???? its practically asking for death 


sarada saw me take the pic so i think shes ok w it 


hey that looks like borutos hoodie too btw 

cho < 3



OH YEAH. she saw me take the pic and then she waved to me. after that she snuggled back into his arms. it was too cute guys




hes eating but ill remind him 


sarada & boruto are awake, do me a favor & tease em at school


will do, thanks himawari


thanks himaaaaa

cho < 3 



love u 2 cho. also no prob mitsuki & inooo 

"bolt they got a picture of us." i warn. he groans, and i laugh. "oh well. let's go princess," he says, grabbing his phone. we both walk downstairs, and we were on our way to school. 

"princess?" i hear bolt ask. i look up. "yeah?" 

"it sounds silly, but can we have a race? like old times?" he asks. i smile and start running. "i thought you'd never ask." 

"HEY! YOU GOT A HEAD START!" he yells, laughing. i giggle, and keep on running. soon he catches up. out of breath, we both stop.  "i so won." i say. he grabs my hand and swings it. "sure you did. tired?" he asks. i shake my head no, yet he picks me up. 

"hold on tight! we're gonna bolt out of here to school." he laughs. i wrap my arms around his neck, and he starts running. i lay my head on his shoulder. 

what did i do to deserve this idiot in my life? 

we finally end up at school. right before boruto puts me down, the other 4 idiots come, running. "OH MY GOSH! HE'S GIVING HER A PIGGY BACK RIDE." cho screams. i groan, while boruto swings me around. "so smooth uzumaki. hoodie, cuddles, piggy back rides.." shikadai teases. he shrugs. "we're friends. we aren't dating." 

"SHUT UP!" cho and jin scream. everyone else looks at us. i give them an apologetic look. "mind keeping it down you two? you're making us look idiotic." i say. they roll their eyes. "incoming a mad sumire." suki says. boruto and i look at each other, and he shifts me to the back, farthest away from sumire. 

"i thought i won, uchiha?" she asks, faking smiling at me. boruto shoots her a glare. "i don't know. all i did was spend a night at his house, wear his hoodie, snuggle in his arms and got a piggy back ride." i reply calmly. boruto's face turns bright red, as suki and shikadai try to not to laugh. 

"but you didn't get to kiss those lips, did you?" she smiles. i glare at her. "i haven't." i admit. boruto puts me down, and turns me around. "what are you doing?" i hiss. he smiles. 

"look closely, sumire." he says. before i know it, i felt him press his lips against mine. a part of me wants to scream and fangirl as i kiss back, wrapping my arms against his neck. he places his hands on my waist, as the kiss deepens. 

author's note :

hi!! i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. <3

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series.

word count of the chapter : 634 

stay safe! i love you all so so much. 

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