chapter nineteen

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boruto's pov

i finally reach the uchiha residence, and to my surprise, sarada opens the door. as soon as she sees me, she closes the door. i knock again and get no response. 

it takes every single piece of me to knock for the third time. 

"oh my gosh, what do you want?" she asks. i look into her deep, dark onyx eyes, filled of hatred. i then swallow down my nerves. "we need to talk." 

"there's nothing to talk about." she replies coldly. how do i come back from this reply? 

"oh yes there is." i say. she rolls her eyes, and lets me in. we sit in the living room in complete silence. she fiddles with her bracelet, and i know she hates this tough girl act. 

"okay. i'm not gonna repeat this, uchiha." i say. her eyes widen, as she looks into my eyes. 

"i'm freaking in love with you and i have no idea how to say it. i thought you never liked me back, and the others had to open my eyes for me. i realized it. i realized everything. and genuinely, i'm in love with you. everything about you. from the days where you wore those red glasses of yours, to now. your laugh, the way i can open up to you about anything. the way you're stubborn, even though you hate to admit it. when you're grumpy in the morning, when you're competitive in just dance.." 

her eyes widen. 

sarada's pov

he loves me? 

why would he love someone like me?

didn't i break him as much as he broke me? what i said this morning wasn't pretty either. 

my eyes widen. 

i just wanted to jump at him and give him the hugest hug i could give. 

it took every ounce of me to swallow my pride and look him in the eye. 

"darn it uzumaki.. i love you too. i don't know how to express it like you did, 'cause i'm not the most emotional type but.. i seriously love you too. the little things you do for me.. even when i was being the worst person ever." i say, looking straight into his light blue eyes. 

a smile creeps onto his face, and i feel him come near me. i walk up to him. he places his hand under my chin and gives me a kiss. 

a genuine one. i felt like cinderella. he was my prince charming. 

i kissed back. 

he looks me in the eye, and as i break the kiss, he runs his fingers through my hair. i could feel my cheeks turning bright red. i just kissed MY prince charming. a genuine one. i felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest and start breakdancing on the floor. 

"you're really cute when you blush, ya know?" he says, smirking. i huff, and hit him lightly on chest. "you're so cheesy, uzumaki." 

"what can i say? i'm great." he smiles. mama and papa walk into the house right when he says that. 

"why is the dobe's son here, sakura?" papa asks, glaring at him. boruto shoots him a small smile. "hey uncle sasuke! hey auntie sakura!" mama grabs papa and drags him upstairs. i can hear her scold him. 

"sasuke! what did i say about embarrassing her? we all know she and boruto are in love!" 

"my princess won't be dating the dobe's son!" 

"oh yes she will. give her a year, tops." 


"now now sasuke, we're going to be one happy family when boruto and sarada get married." 


i could hear mama laughing. 

now it felt like the world really was at peace, i think to myself. 

it'd be such a long time 'till i really grew up, and possibly, get married to bolt. 

author's note :

hi guys! mia here. this is the second to last chapter for through the highs and the lows. <3

i hope you enjoyed it.

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series.

word count of the chapter- 639 

i love you guys so so much. stay safe. <3 

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