chapter three

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boruto's pov 


"sooo onii chan, excited to see sarada?" hima asks. i look at her. i texted sarada on saturday, and she seemed really annoyed at me. i haven't talked to her since. she probably needs her space and i didn't wanna get her in a bad mood. 

i shrug, eating the rest of my cereal. mom and hima stare me down. i gulp and place my dish in the sink. to my surprise, the doorbell rings. i go to the door, and in front of me, was an annoyed sarada with auntie sakura. 

"boruto! walking duty with sarada, thank yoouuu." auntie sakura says, smiling at me. i nod while sarada groans, "moooommm i can walk by myselfff! i don't need boruto to walk with me." 

i grab my bag and sarada's wrist, pushing us out of the doorway, to the front of my house. she eyeballs me. "what was that for baka?" 

"if you want to get in a fight with auntie sakura, don't do it in my house." i reply coldly. 

sarada's pov

okay, i thought i was supposed to be the cold one here? the one day i decide to give boruto a chance, he's going to do that? are you serious? 

i huff, while boruto walks us to school. he looks back at me, mumbling something that i couldn't hear. i decide to give him the same energy back. "so you're going to be like that now?" 


"hn. fine. whatever. be like that." i spit out. he raises an eyebrow, and when i glance at him, i could tell that he was sorry. part of me wants to forgive him, but i wasn't in the mood. i see shikadai, inojin, and cho-cho up ahead. they were laughing and talking to each other. it wasn't awkward for them. shikadai and inojin aren't dense and cold.  

"wanna catch up to them?" boruto asks, acting like he wasn't being a total idiot a few seconds ago. i nod, trying to act as annoyed as possible. boruto grabs my hand and runs to them, practically dragging me. we catch up to them. 

"you guys are good now?" inojin asks, looking at us weirdly. "what do you mean?" i say back. cho-cho and inojin immediately burst into laughter, while shikadai shakes his head. boruto and i look at each other, confused. 

"nevermind. let's just go." shikadai says. we all trail after shikadai. inojin and cho-cho kept on laughing and whispering to each other. "oh my gosh, what's so funny?" boruto asks, glaring at them. 


soon enough, we reach the school. cho-cho and inojin run to sumire and mitsuki, immediately filling them in with whatever happened. sumire glares at me, while mitsuki says in a loud voice, "ah, i see what boruto did." 

"can you guys just tell us what's going on?" i say in a stern voice. boruto nods. mitsuki and cho-cho look at each other, trying not to burst into laughter. 

"well you guys are holding hands..." inojin says. 

my eyes widen at what he says while sumire glares at me, once again. boruto's cheeks turn pink while everyone else bursts into laughter. 

it's kind of funny how after they said that, we didn't let go till homeroom. 

authors note:

hey guys! i hope u enjoyed this chapter

i have a short day at school today, so i'm hoping i can upload another chapter. :)

i do NOT own the naruto / boruto series. 

word count of the chapter : 541  

stay safe! i love you all. <3 

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