chapter twenty

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sarada's pov

15 years later 

i look in the mirror, and there was the girl i was. 

the white dress fit me perfectly. it was every girls dream. 

sarada uchiha, soon to be uzumaki, was getting married. 

to the one and only boruto uzumaki. 

i could hear mama crying outside as hima walked in. she smiled. "sarada, we're finally going to be sisters!" she exclaims. i smile and nod. 

i tried my hardest not to cry as i gave her a hug. 

it felt like everyone was moving forward. mitsuki was in law school, and he had proposed to the one and only cho-cho. cho-cho had grown from her immature high school days, and was working to become a health care worker. 

inojin and hima are dating (surprise surprise!). inojin was going to be a real estate agent. hima's going to be a teacher, and works part-time at auntie ino's flower shop. it's really cute. 

shikadai's dating yodo, one of shinki's 3 musketeers. he recently proposed to her. he was going to be working for the government, following uncle shikamaru's footsteps. yodo was the sweetest, and she was going to become a teacher aswell. 

as for me? i'm following mama's footsteps. i'm going to be a doctor. doctor sarada uzumaki. and bolt? bolt was also going to be a doctor, surprisingly. 

the past 15 years really have been something. we've grown from silly, immature high school kids to adults. 

before i knew it, i was walking down the isle. in a matter of seconds, we were already saying our vows. 

soon, we were at the afterparty. i looked around, and i felt so happy. i was an uzumaki. no longer uchiha, but uzumaki. 

i saw boruto getting ambushed by papa, jin, and suki, so i decided to go eavesdrop on them. 

"listen here, boruto. you break her heart and don't take good care of her? we're no longer best friends. and i won't be sorry to break your bones." i hear inojin say, glaring at boruto. i try my hardest not to laugh. 

"agreed. and especially since you're the dobe's son, you better treat. her. right." papa says in a threatening voice. boruto, for once, looks terrified. 

"since i'm not as overprotective as them," mitsuki smiles. "treat her like a princess. but you won't see this smile if you break her heart." his face changes in 2 seconds. 

"right. i'll treat her right." boruto smiles, rubbing the back of his neck. before the 3 can ambush him again, i walk up to him. 

"hi bolt!" i say, grabbing his arm. "hi papa. hi suki, hi jin." i also say. "hi princess." boruto says, walking away with me."you're a life saver. i think i was going to die with those 3." he whispers, kissing me on the cheek. 

after we ate, it was time for the speeches. boruto had picked shikadai to make a speech and hima, so i payed close attention to the two, hoping they don't embarrass us. shikadai walks up to the stage, and grabs the mic. he then goes to the middle and starts his speech. 

"so, boruto had asked me to make a speech. i obviously told him it was a drag, but here i am." he starts off. i could hear laughs across the room, as i look at bolt. he smiles. 

"boruto and i have been best friends since we were born. we always stuck together, much like our old mans." he says. my mind wanders off to when i first met bolt. 

"so when he told me that he had developed a crush on sarada in 4th grade, i said that crushes are drags." he laughs. everyone else laughs too, and i feel my face going red. "and being the 3rd generation shika, i felt it was my responsibility to put him in check." he continues. 

"that failed in high school, but the 2 figured it out themselves. it was practically a whole k-drama, if you will." he says, as everyone bursts into laughter. he smiles. 

"since i can't make a speech for 10 minutes, the 3rd generation of ino-shika-cho decided this was going to be a collaboration speech." boruto and i groan in unison. 

the 3 shoot us a goofy smile, and inojin walks up to the podium. 

"sarada, my mom's bestfriend's daughter. she's my little sister, and i'm her older brother. although not blood-related, we act that way. and so as the older brother part, i have to make the best speech i can. which sucks when you have shikadai saying what a drag every 2 seconds." he laughs. 

"boruto, you better treat her well. if she ever comes to me crying, you'll regret it." he fake smiles at him. i hear papa and mitsuki shouting, "PREACH!" 

it never hit me, but papa, suki, and jin are really triplets when it comes to me. 

"my little sister became an uzumaki today, and she has a husband. it kinda hit when i was writing this speech." he says, his voice cracking. "but boruto, contain yourself. i really don't want little uzumakis running around. give me a few months to register that she's married." he laughs. 

"NO PROMISES!" boruto yells back. i hit him playfully, as papa glares at him. "and concluding my speech, i want to congratulate my best friend and my little sister. an odd duo, but opposites really do attract." he concludes. everyone laughs. 

"my turn!" cho-cho says, grabbing the mic out of his hands. she runs up to the center. "boruto, you're probably fed up with us, so i'll make it as quick as i can." 

my mind doesn't pay attention to her speech at all, unfortunately. all i could think about was that i was an uzumaki. 

without thinking, i automatically give bolt a small kiss on the cheek. his face turns even redder, as everyone says "aww" in unison.

"i love you." i whisper in his ear. 

"i love you more." he says. 

and they lived happily ever after.. 

author's note :  

hey guys! this is the last chapter of through the highs and the lows. <3 

i hope you enjoyed my first story! i currently have an ongoing one called 'between us', a borusara fanfic. 

word count - 1,002

i love y'all! 

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