chapter twelve

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boruto's pov

i open the door and see auntie sakura, uncle sasuke, and sarada. i smile and say hi. uncle sasuke walks in, checking his surroundings. "where's the do-" he says as my old man tackles him. "HI TEME!! DID YOU MISS ME?" my old man yells. 

"i had this coming," uncle sasuke groans. auntie sakura laughs, while mom comes out. she smiles as hima runs downstairs. "GET OFF OF ME DOBE!" uncle sasuke continues, trying to shove dad off of him. 

"aw teme, you're no fun." dad says, getting off of him. "hi sarada! hi auntie sakura, hi uncle sasuke!" hima says, bouncing around. dad then hugs sasuke from behind and he groans another time. sarada lets out a small giggle. 

"hinata, did he have a little too much to drink?" he groans. mom smiles, "no, he just missed you dearly sasuke." he gives a small hug back. "happy? now get off dobe." he says. dad finally gets off of him. 

"that's all i needed teme!" 

"hey stranger," sarada says, bumping my shoulder. i smile at her. "you're back to normal." she continues. i nod. "geez, are you going to stay silent forever?" she groans. 

"nah." i say. she rolls her eyes and walks upstairs. i follow her and she goes into my room. she sits on my bed and i sit next to her. i stared at her. her long black hair, right at the perfect length. those dark, mysterious onyx eyes.. woah. 

"hey baka, my eyes are up here you know." she says, breaking the silence. "yeah, i know." i reply. she looks back at me and lays down. "can i sleep over? mama and papa haven't had a day to themselves in a long time." 

"of course. it's been a long time since we have," i laugh. she nods. "remember when we had our first sleepover? you were crying 'cause you didn't want to leave auntie sakura." i recall, looking at her.

"hey, it wasn't my fault! i was like.. 5!" she laughs. i look over to my nightstand, where a picture of baby sarada and i lived. we were so tiny with no care in the world. sarada's eyes follow my gaze. "we were so small." she says. 

"yeah. you were so annoyed with me 'cause i kept pulling pranks." i laugh. she scoffs. "who said i'm not annoyed now?" 

"yeah yeah, you know you love me." i reply. she rolls her eyes. "believe what you want baka." 

we both laugh. "BORUTO! SARADA! FOOD'S READY!" i hear hima yell. "I SWEAR IF YOU GUYS ARE MAKING OUT RIGHT NOW-" she continues. i shout back, "NO WE'RE NOT HIMA!" 

"let's move it, bolt." she says, grabbing my hand. 

"kay salad, i'm coming." 

we really have grown. 

author's note :

hey guys, mia here! i hope u enjoyed this chapter. :))

i won't be posting until monday, so sorry!

word count of the chapter : 459  

stay safe and have a great weekend guys! mwah mwah <3 

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