chapter eight

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boruto's pov

"uhm.. i gotta go.. water a flower?" inojin says, confused while looking at his phone. he then exits the room. 

then it was just shikadai and i. 

"dai.. i could really use some advice?" i ask. shikadai's probably going to leave too, but it's worth a try, right? shikadai looks at me and sits on sarada's bed. "okay. let me hear your side of the story." 

after i told him my side, he looked at me, confused. "so this is a whole misunderstanding and sumire probably wanted to make sarada jealous?". i nod, looking straight into his eyes. "and you're.. in love with sarada?" 

"if you're in love with her, why didn't you say something earlier?"

"i don't know dai! she avoided me throughout the whole summer and i didn't wanna get her into a bad mood.. yet i still did! i messed everything up." i say, looking straight into his eyes. he rubs the back of his head. 

"talk to her boruto. you have to let it out, your side, and your feelings for her. wait any longer and she'll probably be taken." shikadai sighs. "this is such a drag. this is why i don't want a dense best friend, but look what i got." 

"thanks dai!" i say. he smiles. "but i wouldn't trade that dense best friend for anyone else." he adds. we fist-bump each other, and i exit the room. i need to find sarada. 

i run downstairs and into the kitchen, getting a glass of water before finding her. i walk into the kitchen and see a mitsuki and sarada kissing. my eyes widen. 

what.. is.. happening? 

inojin's words echo through my mind. he.. made.. his.. move? i rub my eyes, not believing what i was seeing. i was just hoping this was a whole illusion. 

"and for the record, i like you too mitsuki." i hear a soft voice say. 


did i just lose her forever? 

i thought she liked me? no, i thought she loved me? 

did she lose feelings that fast? 

"so, does that mean..?"

 "only if you want to, sara." 

"it'd be my honor." 

they walk out of the kitchen hand in hand. 


what did i do to deserve this? 

i love her. i really do. 

but.. is she.. in love.. with him..? 

author's note:

hey yall, mia here!!

i don't own the naruto / boruto series. 

sorry for the short chapter!! 

word count of the chapter : 384 

i'll make sure to post another time today! 

stay safe! i love yall so so much < 3 

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